A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 1


How d'you do footnotes? If it's something to do with html, then please can you put the little bit of code that it requires in you reply, pleasy?


Post 2

Jim Lynn

This post has been removed.


Post 3

Jim Lynn

If you want to do footnotesAnd who wouldn't? then try this.


Post 4


Thanks man. I don't think that html works in the forums, btw.


Post 5

Jim Lynn

I know HTML doesn't work in forums (I wrote it that way) - I was demonstrating how the FOOTNOTE tag is used, so it wouldn't have helped you if it had been translated, would it?


Post 6


I'm sorry, I have a habit of naturally assuming that people are stupid because I'm permanently surrounded my gibbering idiots, imbeciles, lunatics and 'Steps' fans. I'm sure you get my meaning. No offence, I'm not as stupid as that last message makes me sound, it was just a misunderstanding.


Post 7

mrs. slartibartfast

er. rather think i'm too stupid to have been here. my apologies. on the plus side, i'm not a steps fan, but i think thats due to the fact that i have no friggin clue as to what it is!


Post 8


You fortunate lady. Steps are a teenybopper 'band', of the sickeningly perfect smile genus. That's all you need to know.


Post 9

mrs. slartibartfast

scary stuff!!but it could be worse you might have to suffer the backstreet boys.


Post 10


All teenybiopper bands are classless, styleless and brainless. And that's my final word on the subject.


Post 11

mrs. slartibartfast

i'll bet it isn't.


Post 12

Feral Korzybski

Footnotes are great, but it can be a bit distracting if you have to keep scrolling up and down a long entry to check them. How about adding a feature that takes you directly to a footnote when you click on the corresponding superscripted number. Then you could just use your browser's "back" button to return to the correct place in the text. Alternatively, the footnotes could be placed with the crossreferences in the sidebar.


Post 13


Damn right, actually... there's a new batch of them been out recently... Lolly, the new Steps track, and that blonde American bitch who's just reached number one. We don't need any more dense blonde Americans in our charts: we have enough crap singers as it is.


Post 14

mrs. slartibartfast

sounds like a good idea, as long as it's not implemented by a dense blonde american singer. ( i think, rather unclear on the whole thing being a blond myself)


Post 15


Weird little blast from the past this is... I bet most of these people were on dial-up. Remember that?


Post 16

Mol - on the new tablet

I certainly remember dialling up, opening all the threads I wanted to look at, stopping the connection, reading them all, and dialling up again to reply.

It was a bit tiresome. We got broadband a couple of months later.



Post 17

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Ah, so I'm not the only crazy archaeologist on hootoo?

TRiG.smiley - laughsmiley - winekey

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