A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Cats and Buttered Bread

Post 1


We all know that a cat always lands on its feet right? 's nature. We also all know that a piece of buttered bread falls butter side down right? So what happens if you strap a piece of buttered bread onto the back of a cat what would happen. Deal with that law of the sod!

Cats and Buttered Bread

Post 2

Noggin the Nog

Sorry, Charlie Boy, not original. The joining of these two phenomena has been postited as a means of producing a flying machine. As people versed in the lore of H2G2, we must not ignore the laws of Probability.

Cats and Buttered Bread

Post 3


I tried this and it levetated! strange - yes! I then tried to find out why but it pelted it down the corridor! Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cats and Buttered Bread

Post 4

a visitor to planet earth

The cat would land on its feet and somehow lick the butter off the bread.

Cats and Buttered Bread

Post 5

The Godfather of Cheesecake

I think the butter's power and draw toward the earth wouild somehow over-ride the cat's natural balance, and the mog would end up stranded like an upturned turtle. At least that's what I HOPE would happen smiley - boing

Cats and Buttered Bread

Post 6


Mmmm, smiley - droolbit of HP sauce on that and you've got brunchsmiley - biggrin

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