A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Other people have neat stuff!
Chaotic mass Started conversation Aug 29, 1999
How do I put pictures and other neat stuff on my home page?
Other people have neat stuff!
Paul the Brake Posted Aug 29, 1999
Click on the link and it will take to the place that gets you started. http://www.stevedunks.demon.co.uk/howtoindex.html
Other people have neat stuff!
Chaotic mass Posted Aug 29, 1999
want to know my secret? goto my page, just type www.h2g2.com/u54910
Other people have neat stuff!
Anonymouse Posted Aug 29, 1999
... Or just click on your name.
Anyway.. To answer the original question...
First, you have to have the images stored on an off-h2g2 web site. (Currently you can't upload images directly, and I doubt that's going to change.. there is only so much space, after all. )
Then put this code (modified with your info, of course) into your web page on h2g2 where you want the picture to be:
(Note: Close all tags on H2G2, even if you don't normally.)
Note to Steve Dunks
Anonymouse Posted Aug 29, 1999
In the section "Pictures as links" you might want to add a note about the border subtag...
"If you don't want a big box around the picture, blah blah yadda yadda...
Just a suggestion.
Note to Steve Dunks
stinkywigfiddle Posted Aug 5, 2000
DARK GRAY: This was the oldest thread on this page, and I resurrected it! Ha ha ha!
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Other people have neat stuff!
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