A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Earth's direction
Sorcerer Posted Sep 9, 1999
Technically, the ability to learn. Most people, however, confuse it with knowledge, which is what you have learnt..
Earth's direction
wingpig Posted Sep 14, 1999
I FART in your general direction. I unclog my nose at YOU.
Earth's direction
wingpig Posted Sep 14, 1999
Why is that thing there? It should be in the middle somewhere.
For all that I like Radio 4, they shouldn't have put the standard bit on the "long live the dead parrot" thing this morning stating that people who quote things are anoraky nerds. If that were so I could have immense fun following arts students about, pointing and laughing at them whenever they quote some form of literature in order to impress each other. I like quoting, anyway. It seems to be what my brain is best at along with memorising every nuance of songs, release dates of old songs, passages from books and the steps by which pub arguments progress from subject to subject whilst it's crap at remembering stuff related to me by lecturers.
Earth's direction
Ploppy Posted Sep 14, 1999
There's a name for thatlagiarism! I love it too. Perhaps I should call myself Ploppy the Plagiarist. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Here's looking at you kid. Beam me up Scotty. Use the force, Luke. There can be only one. Oh Captain my Captain. Good morning Vietnam. Of all the bars in all the world... It is a far better thing I do now.......
Sharing other people's thoughts is much more fun than sharing my own. I'm a disorganized, fun loving cynic. Reconcile that if you can.
Earth's direction
Researcher 95219 Posted Sep 26, 1999
I was wondering: if only 44% believe in evolution, what view do the other 56% adhere to?
Earth's direction
wingpig Posted Sep 28, 1999
Isn't it expressing your own thoughts but relating them to a context expressed in a popular form both to aid understanding by providing a reference point in which the subject is more clearly described than is usual in real life and also by providing a reference to a character from which such a statement is uttered?
Maybe it isn't - it always relies on there being a feed line from which the quote follows. It works best with people that will now enough to recognise the quote if you just can't get the voice right but who don't realise that they themselves have quoted in the provision of the feed line.
Earth's direction
Anonymouse Posted Nov 16, 1999
But where is it going out -to-? I've heard there's a new discotech over in Universe2 that's pretty lively... maybe we'll all end up there?
Earth's direction
Ado! Posted Jan 8, 2000
Yes, we can't find the missing link because we were looking for something that isn't actually there in the wrong place. Paleontologists used to think that evolution was a straight line from apes to humans. It's not, at one stage about 3 million years ago there was about 6 different species of humanlike folk running around the planet. Our species burst onto the scene at about the same time as all this happened, somewhere in northern-Africa. All the other homonids (sp?) died out, and we've been very gently evolving and changing ever since.
Earth's direction
Ado! Posted Jan 8, 2000
This is going to get a little odd, bear with me. The universe is expanding in all directions at once, bit like a balloon being blown up. Imagine standing in the middle of a room, in the middle of a group of a hundred people all tightly packed around you (big room). At a given signal everybody scatters to the furthest part of the hall they can find. To you it looks like everybody's running away and you're standing still. To every body else it looks like they are stading still and everybody else is moving away from them. In an infinite sized room (like the universe) the only thing anybody can look at is the other stars (people) which are all moving away from them. So yes we are moving, rapidly, away from everything else, but in relation to anything we can measure ourselves by, we are already there. If we keep moving at this rate, eventually we will have moved so far across any one of a number of propsed shapes of the universe we will come back to where we started, give us a yell at my page if you need any more. Sorry I can't spell and it is a little weird I know.
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Earth's direction
- 61: Ploppy (Sep 8, 1999)
- 62: Sorcerer (Sep 9, 1999)
- 63: Anonymouse (Sep 11, 1999)
- 64: Ploppy (Sep 14, 1999)
- 65: wingpig (Sep 14, 1999)
- 66: Anonymouse (Sep 14, 1999)
- 67: wingpig (Sep 14, 1999)
- 68: Ploppy (Sep 14, 1999)
- 69: Anonymouse (Sep 26, 1999)
- 70: Researcher 95219 (Sep 26, 1999)
- 71: Anonymouse (Sep 27, 1999)
- 72: wingpig (Sep 28, 1999)
- 73: Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor (Nov 13, 1999)
- 74: Anonymouse (Nov 16, 1999)
- 75: Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor (Nov 17, 1999)
- 76: Anonymouse (Nov 20, 1999)
- 77: Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor (Nov 21, 1999)
- 78: Anonymouse (Nov 23, 1999)
- 79: Ado! (Jan 8, 2000)
- 80: Ado! (Jan 8, 2000)
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