A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Golden Jubilee- Who cares?

Post 41


Aye, I just heard on the news on the radio that there have so far this year been 300 applications for permission to hold a street party.

In 1977 at this point in the year 17,000 applications were already in.

Golden Jubilee- Who cares?

Post 42

Researcher 177704

I wonder why people are taking less of an interest. The reasons i can think of (i am very tired) are-

* National patriotism, and love of the queen, has declined since 1977
* There has been a new generation of people, to whom the idea of the street party seems antiquated.
* The royal family has given us less reason to want to celebrate it ie. divorces, scandal, ignorance, meaninglessness and prince philip.
* British culture has become less 'british', with the modern uk finding its place in europe. It has also been partly 'americanized' with the onslaught of mcdonalds, gap, starbucks, the simpsons etc.

Any other reasons?

smiley - rocket

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Golden Jubilee- Who cares?

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