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Stephen Downing

Post 1


Comments Please:http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/england/newsid_1760000/1760754.stm
If we had the death penalty for Murder in the UK this man would be Dead.

Stephen Downing

Post 2



...and there was me watching The Shawshank Redemption last night too smiley - erm

Suprised he's getting only £ 1 million in compensation. Loss of earnings must be getting on for that for a start, let alone damages etc. etc.

So is anyone in authority going to carry the can for this? Doubtful, they're probably retired or dead by now.

One thing that is really awful was that he would have been released way earlier if he'd stopped insisting he was innocent! What's that all about?

Stephen Downing

Post 3

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

yep, well said Orcus.

Stephen Downing

Post 4


When someone is sentenced to life in England (I believe the same system operates in other parts of the UK but I'm not sure?) they are not eligible for parole but are instead released under "license" which can be revoked at any time by the Sectary of State, part of the conditions for the granting of this license is that the prisoner admits their guilt.

Stephen Downing

Post 5

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

humm, sound right now u mention it, in which case fair play to him for not just admitting it so he could get out....

Stephen Downing

Post 6


Sounds a bit over rigid to me smiley - erm

A bit of a catch 22 if you *are* actually innocent.

Stephen Downing

Post 7


I am not saying its wrong but it is a policy that should be given a serious review smiley - erm

Stephen Downing

Post 8

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

it does seem to only work of you can 100% sure of the conviction, if the conviction is unsafe, like here, then this law is no good

Stephen Downing

Post 9

I'm not really here

According to my other half who works for the CPS, the reason for laws like this, is that you can't be considered rehabilitated if you can't admit your guilt.
In my opinion it's a good law, not that people can get out early just by admitting it, but that people that really cannot see what thay have done wrong, or people that won't stop lying about their crimes are not allowed to mix with Joe Public again.

I don't agree with the death penalty for reasons of my own, but this just proves it should never be brought back. And that it should be stopped in other countries. I can't believe a county like the States still has it, to be honest.

Stephen Downing

Post 10


The problem would appear to be more with the appeal system than the license system.

and Mina we do have the death penalty in the British Isles, I believe there are at least two crimes that carry the death penalty under English law.

Stephen Downing

Post 11

I'm not really here

I know it's still law for someone to be beheaded for treason, but I don't know of another one. And they would never be used anyway.

Stephen Downing

Post 12

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I've been working in the Criminal Justice System for thirteen and a half years now. I've attended the Court of Appeal many, many times.
I'd advise you all to look very, VERY closely at what the judges said, and what it all might possibly mean.
smiley - shark

Stephen Downing

Post 13


International Piracy is the other on, and its High Treason & the Beheading was only an option if you held the rank of Baron or higher (& I believe discontinued).

The death penalty was last handed down in the British Isles on July 10 1992 to Tony Teare for a contract killing in the Isle of Man. The Queen exercised the Royal Prerogative of “Mercy” and the sentence was commuted to life in 1994.

Stephen Downing

Post 14

The Nitpicker

Another offensive (to me) aspect is that he will, I believe, get a 'Royal Pardon'!!! Being 'pardoned' for something he did not do!!!

Stephen Downing

Post 15


Blues, we know that Stephen Downing was released not because he was proven innocent (although I myself believe him innocent) but because of Police procedural errors.

Stephen Downing

Post 16

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I've thought long and hard about this.
I'm saying nothing more on the matter, and frankly, should have known better than to be dragged into the argument.
smiley - shark

Stephen Downing

Post 17

the autist formerly known as flinch

The problem is that this licence law is based on the notion of rehabilitation. Wheras prison is based on the notion of revenge. The two are not mutually exclusive, but it's close.

Stephen Downing

Post 18

the autist formerly known as flinch

Yeah, an unsafe conviction does not mean he's innocent.


Post 19


This post has been removed.

Stephen Downing

Post 20


*wonders wot wuz saidsmiley - huh*

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