A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Lost sense of humour.
Dorothy Outta Kansas Posted Sep 21, 2001
These feelings we're describing (I'm suffering, too: my usual outpourings are limited to about three Postings per week) are absolutely normal.
I was horrified to notice, several years ago, that I began to smile manically at the onset of terrible news - and have since discovered that the response is an offshoot of the original snarl, an instinctive facial gesture signifying a lack of ability to cope with the situation. More directly related to the described reduced sense of humour, it may be helpful to study Kubler-Ross, a psychologist who recognised the effects of bereavement. The stages of bereavement are delineated below - feel free to agree, deny, or argue as you wish; not everyone will feel each reaction in turn, but most will feel some.
*Shock/Denial* - numbness; euphoria; disaffectation; disbelief
*Anger* - hurt; destructive; defeating "why is this happening?"
*Bargaining* - compromisory hopes for a better result
*Depression* - more disaffectation; feelings of worthlessness; "can't be bothered"
*Acceptance* - reasoned responses
This was a loss felt by the whole world. This ws a bereavement felt by billions. Everyone in my office, from the boss, down, felt unable to cope between Tuesday and Friday, and well into this week. This is not unusual, it's a coping strategy.
With luck, judgement (but not judgementalism) and hard work, the world will be more united than it was before. I think our World deserves it.
x x Fenny (still in Shock, Anger and Depression)
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Lost sense of humour.
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