This is the Message Centre for Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 12, 2023
I found I have got superpowers
that were gained through sneezing.
I began creating trees and flowers
even though the weather was freezing.
I gained these superpowers by blowing my nose
from coughing and from drinking coffee.
I also gained them by washing my clothes
and from eating chocolate covered toffee.
These superpowers were very contagious
as everyone in the Zero 5 club got them.
It was a great benefit and advantageous
as it gave them fantastic outcomes.
Then it became extremely virulent
as it was transmitted through MS Teams.
It ended all their torments
through their thoughts and dreams.
Members of the ANS Ambassadors
and the Care and Share group.
Could teleport and speedrun to the Azores
and fly to the stratosphere to do the loop the loop.
Everyone living in the Peabody flats
was infected by the superhuman virus.
Whenever they wore their hoods and hats
or saw trees, shrubs and a lone iris.
It also was transmuted on h2g2
and on Mark, Gavin's and Brian's YouTube channels.
Whenever they had a fondue or a new hair-do
or receiving a farewell or when they hear their door bell.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 14, 2023
I love feeling grumpy
whenever I am jumpy.
I like having a moan
on the phone with Joan.
I love to whinge
about my hairstyle fringe.
I get moody
about wearing my hoodie.
I love to whine
about frankfurters soaked in brine.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 17, 2023
I am lost in Outer Mongolia
in the Back of Beyond.
Everything is coloured in Magnolia
around the village duck pond.
It is in the Middle of Nowhere
out in the Sticks.
There is the Town Mayor who's a bear
who can do all sorts of magic tricks.
Sometime - BC
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Dec 17, 2023
I am lost!
But I know where I am!
I'm here!
Ask me where is here! I can't answer!
If I move from here to there!
I still can't answer!
But wherever I am!
I'm still where I am!
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 21, 2023
I have lost myself
during a teamwork seminar
I was informed that it would improve my health
and by eating caviar at a restaurant bar.
I have now found myself
and discovered who I really am.
By reading books from the shelf
about the journey of Abram.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Jan 7, 2024
Life gets me higher
whenever I meet up with the country squire.
He is friends with the Franciscan Friar
and the Dominican Prior.
I can show you how to make a gateau
in my Scottish country chateau.
I can make it snow and make it glow
whenever it flows over the hills and meadow.
I can wake up the planet, our planet Earth.
Instructed by dear Janet, using her wit and mirth.
Join up with the warp drive set in the city of Perth
I try not to fret when being shown my berth.
Sun, is like a fire.
The sun inspires singers to join a choir.
It inspires gardeners to grow rose briar.
It inspires those from Devonshire to Ayrshire.
Carry on, don't be gone.
I promise not to eat another prawn.
I will welcome the fawn and the swan
to my garden lawn.
Bring me out of my sweet home.
Along with my garden gnome.
I have made a jewelled comb
and a library filled with tomes.
Got to know me and got to show me.
And I will know how to plant an oak tree.
living by a river or by the sea will make me carefree.
I will go to a tea shop where I will have afternoon tea.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted May 31, 2024
I am stuck in a truck
with a duck covered in muck.
I am stuck on repeat
when thinking about Crete,
whilst pickling purple beet
with members of the Greek elite.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Jun 2, 2024
Oh, my love I cannot make sense of the season's fashion.
I hope the clothes are made with care, love and compassion.
Deeply dippy about the walk you walk around the neighbourhood block.
So could you help me find my lost sock and I'll give you a nice frock?
Deep dippy I'll be your Barry Allen who's the super speedster
and you'll be my Ivy West and my Lightning Rod.
It won't matter if the weather is cold when there is a North Easter
as you're a member of the superhero squad.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Jun 3, 2024
Oh, my love I cannot make sense of the season's fashion.
I hope the clothes are made with care, love and compassion.
Deeply dippy about the you walk around the neighbourhood block.
So could you help me find my lost sock and I'll give you a nice frock?
Deep dippy I'll be your Barry Allen who's the super speedster
and you'll be my Ivy West and my Lightning Rod.
It won't matter if the weather is cold when there is a North Easter
as you're a member of the superhero squad.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 23, 2024
There once was a man who liked drinking.
He was caught deeply thinking.
It was quite creative,
But not designate of,
He couldn't say no to winking
Sometime - BC
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Sep 28, 2024
She was the light of my life!
Alas though! It was not true love.
So her battery ran down and she ran out of me.
But! It was her loss, because I have my own battery charger so MY life moves on!
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 29, 2024
Wink if your favourite colour is pink.
Wink if you want to dance on the ice rink.
Wink if you want to lip sync with an Euroasian mink.
Wink if you want to have a nice ice cold drink.
Wink if you want to have a deep think.
Wink if you want to use stinky ink.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 2, 2024
I am singing another boring romantic ballad.
I am singing another sentimental love song.
I am clad in plaid whenever I'm in my luxury pad.
I will be playing a game of backgammon and mahjong.
It will be about a romance in France with a man called Lance.
It is where he took a stance to take a chance of being in a trance.
We will begin to dance and prance as we visit the vicar in her manse.
We will learn how to improve and enhance our current finances.
Sometime - BC
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 24, 2024
The Pest from the West, puts us to the test
by giving us a rain fest, making coldies stressed.
The Beast from the East, will give us a snow feast,
with cold winds increased making us wear a thermal vest.
Key: Complain about this post
Sometime - BC
- 441: Reality Manipulator (Dec 12, 2023)
- 442: Reality Manipulator (Dec 14, 2023)
- 443: Reality Manipulator (Dec 17, 2023)
- 444: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Dec 17, 2023)
- 445: Reality Manipulator (Dec 21, 2023)
- 446: Reality Manipulator (Jan 7, 2024)
- 447: Reality Manipulator (May 31, 2024)
- 448: Reality Manipulator (Jun 2, 2024)
- 449: Reality Manipulator (Jun 3, 2024)
- 450: Reality Manipulator (Sep 23, 2024)
- 451: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Sep 28, 2024)
- 452: Reality Manipulator (Sep 29, 2024)
- 453: Reality Manipulator (Oct 2, 2024)
- 454: Reality Manipulator (Nov 24, 2024)
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