This is the Message Centre for Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

being serious four wonce

Post 81


That's a good one. smiley - applause

Websailor smiley - dragon

being serious four wonce

Post 82

Nigel *ACE*

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Nigel smiley - ok

being serious four wonce

Post 83

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Posh Talk

I’ve always worn jeans and t-shirts and in the 1970/80’s also denim coats, one night after I had finished my afternoon shift at 10.00pm. I as normal let my car drive itself to my local as for the life of me; I could never get the wheel to turn towards the street for home. I got in to the pub and the landlord said that after we get shut of the idiots, I.E close the pub lol! do I fancy an hour at the theatre club, I said yes but as you can see, I’ve just got a t-shirt and denim on (my coat was covered in heavy rock sew-ons and badges), plus my t-shirt had "heavy rock" writing on, his reply was: s’ok it’ll be rait. The landlord used to be a bouncer/oustersmiley - winkeye at a large theatre in a nearby city and also worked in many night clubs there as well. So when he visited the theatre, he always sat in the directors/bosses sealed off area. I had been there with him before and other night clubs, but this particular night there was George Hamilton IV Top class country singer on and all the top bosses and their wives were there, all dressed in their tuxedos and their wives in all their finery.

Well! There I am, sat amongst the bosses of the place, all in their penguin suits and me black t-shirt, jeans and denim coat err the bosses sort of stood out a little. Right, the lights go out and George comes on stage, to the left of me is my landlord and then a boss (thee big one) and to my right, his wife, she turns to me and says ‘do you work Profsmiley - winkeye ? I replied (in a posh return voice) oh yes, I’m in full time employment at a chemical works in(town next to mine)(At the time, I worked in a chemical firm on the effluent plant, treating all the junk from the factory before it went to the sewerage works or river)
My landlord and this boss were both watching out of the corner of their eyes, as they knew something was coming smiley - whistle , she then said ‘and what do you do there?’ again I replied, in a posh voice ‘ oh I’m the environmental control officer’ oh yes she said and what does that entail?
I treat shit! (common voice)
My landlord and the boss erupted in laughter, as her jaw hit the floor in shock, until she saw the funny side and how it did not put George Hamilton off singing, I don’t know because the place was dead quiet as you’d expect
So there you have it, a posh Prof dressed as a scruff

no holds barred when I'm conducting humour, no matter what their stature is

being serious four wonce

Post 84


Love it smiley - biggrin

Websailor smiley - dragon

being serious four wonce

Post 85

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

That's our Prof!! smiley - biggrin

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