This is the Message Centre for Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

being serious four wonce

Post 1

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I thought about putting a journal entry and being serious for oncesmiley - erm.

But! after thinking a while, I came to the conclusion, that! there is no subject or any situation on the planet that I could not make fun out of, in some form or other.

About a year after I'd started working at a chemical company, one young bloke on my shift, who was teaching me the job, took poorly and past away. we, as the rest of my shift and some others, went to the funeral and as they were taking the coffin from out of the hearse, I turned away, one of my mates said "what's up, can't you take it" my reply was "it's not that! but I've just had 4 jokes come in to my head about the situation and I can't get this big grin off my face". Which of course, would not have been appropriate at the time. I know bad things happen all around us and to us. But due to some smiley - weirdgenes in my body, I can't be serious for long.

So I reiterate, I would never write or say anything that would insult or offend anyone, but some times things might be taken the wrong way and for that, I will always apologise

Cooo! I've actually wrote something serious, must go lie down, medication can't be workingsmiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - erm

being serious four wonce

Post 2

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Post Script! (or a bit added after)

there IS one person who I will take the mickey/fun and deride and insult!
ME!smiley - tongueoutbecause I see fun in myselfsmiley - winkeyeso I'll use anything/one for humoursmiley - whistle.

Also! I look at it this way(49%angle)if you can't take it, don't give it and if you can't laugh at yourself, it does not give you the right to laugh at otherssmiley - smiley

being serious four wonce

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - wow That looked REALLY serious, for all of 30 seconds, Prof! smiley - doh

As if you would intentionally upset anyone.. *tsk* smiley - rolleyes

You dafty smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

being serious four wonce

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

I like the title. smiley - biggrin

being serious four wonce

Post 5


Prof, as soon as I saw the title I just knew it was you smiley - biggrin I know someone else who has inappropriate thoughts at the wrong time but would never intentionally upset anyone, and no, it isn't PHM smiley - rofl

Hope you are feeling better now?

Websailor smiley - dragon

being serious four wonce

Post 6

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Oh don't worry Prof, I live in a country where there are people who've built entire careers out of looking for offence where none was intended, so they're everywhere.smiley - rolleyes

smiley - mouse

being serious four wonce

Post 7

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

You are the referee to the McInroe of HooToo - 'You can not be serious.'

Good on yah!smiley - cheers

being serious four wonce

Post 8

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - biggrincan't take afencesmiley - winkeyegot enough, need a gate thoughsmiley - erm

being serious four wonce

Post 9

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

So you can go through in stile.smiley - run

being serious four wonce

Post 10

psychocandy-moderation team leader

smiley - groan

Hiya Prof. I sometimes have difficulty not giggling in places I shouldn't. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. smiley - winkeye You don't strike me as particularly offensive though.

I also like to poke fun at myself. Possibly a bit of a pre-emptive strike. smiley - laugh Life's too short to take seriously. We'll never get out of it alive, anyway.

being serious four wonce

Post 11


Lik yo been sirius Proffsmiley - spacesmiley - ok

butt lik yu bene funy 2.

Spose I jus lik yu, lik evrybuddy els hear doze, reely! smiley - spacesmiley - ok

kep upe de gudd w*rk

Jabsmiley - smiley

being serious four wonce

Post 12


smiley - roflsmiley - applause

WS smiley - dragon

being serious four wonce

Post 13

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

ah shucks!

friendship links are stronger than steel, by milessmiley - smiley

being serious four wonce

Post 14


You can seriously insult me anytime you like, prof smiley - winkeye. You'll find it difficult to offend me though. smiley - ok I agree that we need to be able to smiley - laugh at ourselves.

Hope you're well. Van smiley - ale

being serious four wonce

Post 15


I actually really like being teased and teasing in return. You have to laugh sometimes to keep from crying. It's better to be happy when you shouldn't then to be miserable when you should be happy.

Don't worry Prof, smiley - smooch You're okay by my book! smiley - cheers

being serious four wonce

Post 16

Ivan the Terribly Average

And what's wrong with laughing at a funeral anyway? I usually do. smiley - blush Not deliberately, you understand...

being serious four wonce

Post 17


this story about the funeral reminds me of one of my trips to England, when I was there with my school. I was invited to a wedding, sister of the Lady I stayed with got married. So on that day I was sitting with her husband (not the husband to be, but my "guestfather") and he asked me if I had ever been to a wedding. I said no and he replied: "That doesn't matter. Funerals are much more fun anyway".

(Perhaps I should explain that he was Irish, not English....)

And Prof, I have known you as someone who can see something to laugh in some situation others would moan or cry about - that is called humour and at least it helped me at times.... - thank you

being serious four wonce

Post 18

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

by eck! serious, twice in one monthsmiley - cool

Having received this e-mail- 21/01/2008 at 22.58pm

as follows:-

"I knew that I had this address around somewhere, from somewhen.

No, I was not seeking to call you "in the shadows", to try to turn
you in any way at all. I have seen you to be one who deals with
each person as you see them. Not necessarily how others see
them. I was seeking to quietly say as I did in my final post. That
with several persons watching my every post, waiting actively for
something to 'yikes', I thought it best to close out that thread. So
that has been said.

How-ever, I did read your poem in the Post. And really hope that
wasn't based on things that you have understood about me. If it
was, then you really have been misled. If not, I'll chalk it up to
justified paranoia.

Anyway, no hard feelings in any way. Have yourself a grand time
and life, and I'll see you on the threads.

"Rev" Nick


I have NOT given this e -mail address to this person! and I have only just, as the last couple of week, sent it out as a replacement of my old one! because of SPAM

No1. The poem in the front page is of no one in particular, as it says! every street has one. If Nick thinks it is about him, then I can only say, he is either a sad person and wants to get a life, or he has a guilty conscience. Either way! I do not like receiving e-mail in my private address, unless it's from persons I have given it to and it is not for anyone to pass on, unless I have given permission to do so.

So either my email address has been past on, or it's been got, through a forwarded email, that adds every email address on it

BUT! to use this statement, shows how low some can go
>"I knew that I had this address around somewhere, from somewhen<

being serious four wonce

Post 19


I haven't read the poem (I will track it down because I find it worth reading anything that you write, Prof smiley - ok) but I think it's intrusive for someone not to comment "on site". And to e-mail someone, who hasn't given you his or her email address, especially with such a message... smiley - erm *waits a minute to try to stop smiley - steamsmiley - grr* isn't on.

I know it's easier said than done but stay smiley - cool and know that we (I think I speak for everyone in this thread), whom are privileged to be called your friends, will give you a smiley - hugsmiley - teasmiley - stiffdrink or whatever you need whenever you want it.

Van (backing you up 100%)

being serious four wonce

Post 20


smiley - erm I'm not sure what's going on, but I hope it all works out in the end. Drama is not worth worrying over.

I don't know why someone would talk to you like that. You're a wonderful person...smiley - biggrinsmiley - smoochsmiley - cheers

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