A Conversation for Bing Crosby - Singer and Actor

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Post 1

Mu Beta

A cracking good entry. Pleased to see the quality control remaining high. smiley - ok

During my University days, I actually required something of a reputation as a Bing Crosby impersonator (**shudders with the memory**). I used to do little 'Bing Sings' sessions in the piano room where I trotted out Bing-esque versions of Spice Girls songs and the like. Alcohol being my only excuse. smiley - yikes


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Post 2

Danny B

smiley - laugh

I always wondered what the 'B' stood for, Master Bing... smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers

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Post 3

Mu Beta

I that were the case, I'd just sound like Chandler from Friends. smiley - erm


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Post 4


smiley - applause An excellent read.

Pimms smiley - ok

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Post 5

Danny B

smiley - tasmiley - smiley

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Post 6

Smij - Formerly Jimster

'I wanna really really really really wanna bu-bu-bu-boo'.

What a great idea. I know Mike Flowers Pops has cornered the market really, but Easy Listening Bing-alikes doing popular modern hits... B, I think you've hit on a gold-mine there. I could possibly do a decent 'Bobby Darin sings Nirvana' for ya if you like smiley - winkeye

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Post 7

Mu Beta

"When the light's out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us"

Lyrics made for a brat-pack lounge singer, surely. smiley - winkeye


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Post 8


an excellent reminder of an excellent crooner

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Post 9


My Dad was always told he looked like Bing..he was for ever singing would yah like to swing on a star carry moonbeams home in a Jar...can't remember the next line though something about or would yah rather be...HELP it's been 5 years since my dad past away and I'm stuck tween verses..cheers in advance..Serin

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Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - musicalnoteYou'd be better off than you are...
You could be swinging on a smiley - star

smiley - musicalnote

I was brought up on all things Bing, my Dad could sing just like him.
My parents' "our song" is "True Love" peformed by Bing in High Society.
Love that film.

I can't hear the opening bars to White Christmas without getting choked.smiley - cry

1977 was a very bad year for me, I lost my first baby, then Elvis died at 42, then Bing died.
smiley - wah

In the jigsaw that is my life, Bing is a very significant piece.smiley - peacedove

Congrats on a good entry *crosses off list of things to do*

Quality stuff...

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - sorrySerindippidydog Immeant to post this for you:

smiley - ok

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Post 12


Thank-you heaps Galaxy Babe I too get very emotional listening to Bing and a song that was playin the other day when I was shopping I think the singer is Jim Reeves..the one that goes put your true lips a little closer to the phone.. a friend bought me a cd of George Michael doing covers and I think it was this one that was on it..and bloody hell I still found that version hard...still maybe that's not such a bad thing hey Galaxy as we still have their memory..and it can be prevoked by such a easy and accesible thing as music..I have saved the site to my faves thank-you again..Serindippidydogsmiley - smiley

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