This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 161

Sally Quilford

Yes, sorry Autumn, I wasn't paying attention. WELL DONE!!! smiley - bubbly


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 162


smiley - biggrin Thanks Northey and Sally ..
It's really good when editors reply quickly, isn't it?

But .. NFG are quicker still ..
1 reject from yesterday's submission smiley - erm

Oh well, scales are balanced again smiley - winkeye

Looking forward to the swelling of the ranks in October, Jenny/Halfa ... think I'll stick with Jenny smiley - cheerup

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 163

Sally Quilford

I can't count it on this thread, but I've just heard that my rom-com The Association of Bit Part Players has been accepted for the next Sexy Shorts anthology.smiley - bubblysmiley - magic


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 164


WTG, Sally!

Definitely smiley - bubblysmiley - magic
... 'specially if there's money involved smiley - winkeye

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 165


1 story recycled to The People's Friend.

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 10 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 02
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 08
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 60

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 166


Well done, Autumn!

1 sub to Acomplice comp at writing writers

1) Antonia 04
2) Autumn 10 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 02
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 08
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 61

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 167


Thanks Higgi smiley - biggrin

I sub to SOR

1) Antonia 04
2) Autumn 11 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 02
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 08
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 62

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 168


1 story subbed to The Christian Century (US magazine).

1) Antonia 04
2) Autumn 11 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 03
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 08
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 63

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 169


Hi Autumn,

Brilliant news, well done on your hit.

I reject for me, my sub to QWF, "too short." they want it a bit longer, and will look again.

Sally... I have started a huge list of short storey and falsh fiction outlets for GW people who want them, on the advice thingy oon my PF. People can add to it by leaving me a message. Its intendeed to have all sorts of stuff in the end, like how long they take to get back to you, etc,...

is it poss to flag it somewhere??


1) Antonia 04
2) Autumn 11 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 03
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 08
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10 (1 reject)

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 170

Sally Quilford

Why don't you ask the eds if they can put a special link to it from the homepage or 'write' page Vanessa? Another idea might be to leave a separate message in the portfolios of everyone you know. People are very nosy, and will soon follow the trail smiley - winkeye


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 171

Sally Quilford

2 subs to Boston Standard comp

1) Antonia 04
2) Autumn 11 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 03
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 10
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10 (1 reject)

Total 65
Hits 2


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 172

caite (get writing ed)


Thanks for doing that list Vanessa - that's brilliant. It is indexed under l in the advice a=z (

However, we're having a few teething problems with the way that index works at the moment so it is a bit tricky to find at the mo. But hopefully it'll be sorted soon.

It's great to see people making use of our new features smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 173

Sally Quilford

Hi Caite! I hope you're impressed with our subbing race smiley - biggrin

Is there a home for it elsewhere yet? And if so, where might be the best place to put it?


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 174

Sally Quilford

1 sub to That's Life magazine

1) Antonia 04
2) Autumn 11 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 03
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 11
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10 (1 reject)

Total 66
Hits 2


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 175

caite (get writing ed)

Hi Sally

I wondered if you might want to set it up in the challenges area as a proper challenge. Once you've made a page I could move this thread over and attach it to the challenge.

Alternatively you could start a subbing group - that way people would have to apply to be a member of the group to take part in the challenge. The down-side of that is that it might put people off joining - but the up-side is that it would put people off wandering in just to cause trouble.

I guess have a look at each area and decide which you think it would fit best in. My feeling is probably challenges, but it's up to you.

smiley - ok
smiley - panda

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 176

Sally Quilford

I think a subbing group sounds like a good idea. It will help keep the subbing race going. What does everyone else think? Challenge or group?


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 177


I like the idea of a subbing group too.

2 to Fiction Feast
4 to Chat (but as they're all 60 worders you might want to count them as 1 - I'll leave it to you.)

1) Antonia 04
2) Autumn 11 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 03
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 11
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10 (1 reject)

Congrats to Autumn smiley - magic - another story for me to look out for.

And some very quick responses from some places! I looked up your list, Vanessa and I think it will be very useful, thanks.

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 178

Sally Quilford

That looks like six subs to me Starsmiley - winkeye
Sorry, for some reason I counted 2 hits. Is it one or two that people have had so far?

1) Antonia 04
2) Autumn 11 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 03
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 11
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 07
13) Vanessa 10 (1 reject)

Total 72
Hits ?


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 179

Sally Quilford

I've set up a 500 subs group here:

I'll move all the totals across, and then people can join when they're ready.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 180

caite (get writing ed)

Excellent! Do you want me to move this thread over so it's attached to the group page instead of your portfolio?

smiley - panda

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