This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 141


1 sub to Hour Glass Books
1 sub to 60 word comp BBC

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 03
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 06
11) Sheepdoglady 02
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 48

Two to go to make 50!

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 142

Sally Quilford

What's all this? I go away and come back to find you've all decorated in my absence.smiley - winkeye Nice colour scheme, though I thought we were going with the purple and gold with the fleur de lys appliques...

Great going on the total girls. I've finished my latest 'Sexy Shorts' story which I'll be adding to the total later. It just needs tweaking a little.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 143


One to Take-a-Break's Fiction Feast. Finally, off the starting blocks!


1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 03
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 06
11) Sheepdoglady 02
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 49

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 144


No idea why I put a comma there.

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 145


1 poem to National Poetry Competition (ends 17th September)

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 06
11) Sheepdoglady 02
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 50


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 146


1 story to Peoples Friend
1 Story to Womans Weekly

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 06
11) Sheepdoglady 04
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 52

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 147


1 sub to hour glass books
(many thanks for this one folks)

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 06
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 53

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 148


Afternoon folks smiley - biggrin

1 sub to Ceefax Comp
1 to NFG

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 08
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 06
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 55

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 149


Ceefax Comp??

Hmmm, just off to grab remote from hub...

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 150

Sally Quilford

There's a link to their website somewhere ML. I don't have it to hand. It's at the 'other place'.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 151

Sally Quilford

Here is the link, hot off the presses

You only have until midday tomorrow to get your entries in, but apparently every entry appears either on the website or the TV.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 152

Sally Quilford

1 entry to Ceefax comp.smiley - winkeye

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 08
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 07
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 56

Sorry, it's not every entry that gets published. Only the winning entries. Sorry to get everyone excited there. I really must learn to read properly smiley - erm


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 153

Sally Quilford

1 sub to Sexy Shorts

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 08
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 08
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 57


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 154


Another one to Ceefax smiley - winkeye
1 to Take-a-Break

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 10
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 08
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 59

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 155


LSS have accepted my children's story 'Catching Flies' for October issue smiley - biggrin

1) Antonia 03
2) Autumn 10 (1 hit)
3) Arrowqueen 13
4) Beatlegaz 01
5) Bernie 01
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 04
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 08
11) Sheepdoglady 05
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 10

Total 59

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 156


Hi guys,

Have been reading this thread and this sounds great. Sorry to sound silly but where do you find all these comps, or are they mags that accept short fiction/poetry??
I feel like a complete novice after listening to you all!
Am going to have some free time starting in Oct (am eagerly awaiting redundancy!!) and would like to join although don't think I will be able to sub as much as everyone as am only just getting back into the swing of writingsmiley - smiley

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 157


Hi, Halfajobdun. I'm sure we'll be delighted if you joined us. Comp ideas etc come from lots of different sources, usually word of mouth. There's a thread on GW, somewhere, listing lots of comps.

Antonia smiley - ok

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 158

Sally Quilford

Hi Halfajobdone! As Antonia says, you'll be welcome to join us when you're ready. We list lots of comps and short story outlets here, but if you want to visit my website at and click on the writing competitions, published work and writing resources pages, you'll find some more. Then click on Links and you'll find a link to John Ravenscroft's page. John has loads of markets and comps on his site. He's usually around GW at some time in the day, so be sure to ask him.

You can access the comps page on get writing by clicking on 'Write' on the left of the screen. The links to comps are on the right hand side of that page. I only found that out yesterday!

BTW do you have a name other than Halfajobdone which we can use? Or shall we just call you 'halfa' smiley - winkeye


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 159


well done, Autumn! smiley - magic

smiley - cheerup


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 160


Thanks I will check them out and let you know when I start as I said will probably be in October. My actual name is Jenny but you can cal me Halfa Or HJD if it stops the ol' fingers getting sore!smiley - biggrin

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