This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 81

Sally Quilford

Nice one Vanessa. Thanks.smiley - ok I'll put new figures in next post.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 82

Sally Quilford

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 05
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 00
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 03
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 01

Total: 11


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 83

Sally Quilford

I've just looked Vanessa, and the contest closed in June. smiley - erm Unless I'm getting an old page.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 84



1 sub (yes, a fifty worder)

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 05
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 01
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 03
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 01

Total: 12


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 85

Sally Quilford

They all add up ML. Nice one smiley - ok

If we sent in a fifty worder each a day, we'd soon hit the 500 mark (and probably get banned from the MiniSaga site smiley - winkeye)


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 86


Hi Sally, sorry about the comp mixup... the eds emailed to say they were startting a new one with the new issue. Doesnt look as if they have.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 87


50 worder smiley - winkeye

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 01
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 03
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 01

Total: 13

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 88

Sally Quilford

No worries Vanessa. I wasn't sure whether I was just getting an old page.

Yes, folks. Keep the 50 worders going in! We'll fill that anthology between us smiley - ok


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 89


No subs from me yet, but I'm preparing for a weekend away (wedding.)Will sub next week, guv!

Antonia smiley - run

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 90


Thinking about doing this one:

Any other takers?

smiley - jester

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 91


Thanks, ml
Only drawback is, you don't hear whether you've got anywhere until the end of April 05 - so far away!


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 92


Yay, but it could be a lovely surprise!

smiley - laugh

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 93


1 sub to Canopic Jar.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 94

Sally Quilford

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 01
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 03
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 02

Total: 14

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 95

Sally Quilford

Great comp ML! Thanks for sharing them with us.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 96

Sally Quilford

1 sub minisagas smiley - winkeye

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 01
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 04
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 02

Total: 15

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 97


Due to circumstances beyond my control, I won't be sending out anything till next week (when it'll be two weeks' worth.)

Congrats to all who've got off to such a good start.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 98


I've sent 1 to minisagas (thanks and a well done to MLsmiley - bubbly). I've got 2 I'd like to send to 'Fiction Feast' but does anyone know whether I should send them separately or can I put them in the same envelope? I haven't sent them anything before.

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 99

Sally Quilford

Never mind AQ. We're all off to a good start, and all that matters is that we hit the 500 mark by the end of December. I doubt I'll be sending any out for a couple of days now anyway.

Star, I'd send them separately if I were you though others might know better.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 100

Sally Quilford

Sorry Star, I forgot to add your sub to minisagas

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 01
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 04
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 02

Total: 16


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