This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 61


Good start, Autumn! Here's two from me - to Cumbria elements comp and anthology of departure & arrival stories.

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 05
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 00
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 00
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 00

Total: 07

smiley - smiley


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 62


Hi Sally - I'm surprised others haven't posted yet - thought we'd all be up with the birdies today smiley - winkeye

btw - Yes, as TooWrite is a comp, it should count.

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 63


Ah, knew you'd be up and about, Northey smiley - biggrin

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 64


Cheers, Autumn! It's a gorgeous September day up here in the often frozen north. What a blessing after last month's wash-out!

smiley - tit


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 65

Sally Quilford

1 sub DVD Lard (definite hit), 1 sub to The Verb 'Art of the Garden Comp'

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 05
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 00
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 02 (1 hit)
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 00

Total: 09
Hits: 01

I'm sending a few more things out later, so I'll add them then. I just wanted to get started smiley - winkeye


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 66

Sally Quilford

1 sub to Hourglass for their 'leaving' anthology (thanks for the heads up on that one Northey!smiley - hug)

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 05
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 00
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 03 (1 hit)
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 00

Total: 10
Hits: 01


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 67


Hi, Sally,

sorry to put a downer on this, but re DVD Lard, I feel that pre-arranged work should not be included as guaranteed future hits will distort the figures.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 68


Yes, sorry Sally, but I agree with Davina.
I don't think regular work articles should be included. smiley - erm

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 69

Sally Quilford

Perhaps it's something we should have discussed earlier, as I did mention on the other thread that I felt it should be allowed and also said earlier in this thread that people should have the right to decide for themselves what 'subs' were.

But fair enough. In the interests of keeping things light, I'll concede this one.

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 05
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 00
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 02
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 00

Total: 09


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 70


Glad to have been of service, Sally! smiley - hug If anyone else would like details of how to submit to this anthology, I'd be happy to provide them.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 71


Sorry Sally, I didn't realise you meant regular work could be considered subbing - just seems a bit odd to me.

Doesn't it rather give those who write for a living, in the sense of knowing beforehand that their piece will be accepted, a pretty good advantage?

But if the majority don't mind ...

And Northey - yes please. smiley - smiley
Can you do it here or do you need an e.mail address?

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 72


Don't see why it shouldn't be posted here - I saw it in Mslexia's listings section:

Hourglass Books is looking for short stories for its anthology Leaving Home: Stories of Departure and Arrival. Send submissions within the body of the email, or to Hourglass Books, PO Box 132, Antioch, IL 60002-0132, USA.
[email protected]

smiley - smiley


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 73


Thanks - every new market helps smiley - ok

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 74

Sally Quilford

I see your point Autumn, but there aren't many 'professional' writers here (as far as I know).

Anyway, it doesn't matter that much, nor does it make a whole lot of difference to the figures, so I'm happy to let this one go if it makes some people feel uncomfortable. I can keep count of them privately, for my own subbing records. The last thing I want, especially on our first day, is to get into protracted debates about what should or shouldn't be allowed.

It will just get in the way of the real reason we're all here. To sub! smiley - run


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 75


Thank you, Sally.

smiley - cheerup

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 76

Sally Quilford

1 sub to the mini-saga comp (courtesy of Mad Lemur via the Good News thread smiley - ok)

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 05
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 00
9) Northey 02
10) Sally 03
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 00
13) Vanessa 00

Total: 10

I must say this subbing thread is also an excellent way of finding out about new avenues.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 77


Good going Sally - love the no-grass-growing-under-my-feet approach. smiley - laugh

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 78

Sally Quilford

I'll have you know I slaved over that 50 word story smiley - winkeye


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 79


Just as much as I slaved over mine, I expect.smiley - ok

Will try to get some out by the end of the week.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 80


Hi peeps.

1 sub LSS

also working on comp entry

heres link..

Picture worth 500 words.

(dont be put off by the naff site name..its Uni of California web lit mag)



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