This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 101


One sub of novel to publisher.

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) Mad Lemur 01
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 04
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 02

Total: 17


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 102

Sally Quilford

Nice one Northey! Good luck with it.smiley - ok


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 103


Thanks, Sally! But I don't have much hope...


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 104


What a way to begin the weekend - shame on you, Northey!
Get that smile in place and let the sunshine in (la la) smiley - biggrin

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 105

Sally Quilford

I agree with Autumn! Anyway Northey, the fact is that you've written a novel and had the guts to send it off. Give yourself credit for that at least smiley - hug


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 106


Thanks, Sally and Autumn! smiley - hug

smiley - smiley


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 107


one poem to Dogma

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 02
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 04
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 01

13) Vanessa 02

Total: 18

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 108


ooops! sorry Vanessa, I cut you off.

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 02
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 04
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 02

Total 18

(that's better)smiley - laugh

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 109


oooo, I got this pain in my foot. Then it went. Funny.

Northey, all my fingers and toes are crossed for you. (well nearly all. I'm keeping my 2 typing fingers free.)

GOOD LUCK!!!smiley - cheerupsmiley - smiley


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 110


Thank you, Vanessa! smiley - cheerup


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 111

Sally Quilford

I'm sending 2 out this morning. 1 to the Cumbria Elements comp, and the other to Tom Gallon Trust Award (details on Society of Authors website)

1) Antonia 00
2) Autumn 06
3) Arrowqueen 00
4) Beatlegaz 00
5) Bernie 00
6) Charlotte/Penny 00
7) Davina 00
8) mad lemur 02
9) Northey 03
10) Sally 06
11) Sheepdoglady 00
12) Star 01
13) Vanessa 02

Total 20


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 112


Just thought I'd mention the Small Wonder short story festival, which starts on Friday, continuing through Sunday. It looks very exciting - Ali Smith, Jackie Kay, William Trevor, Yann Martel etc -

Luckily I'll be in London and should be able to get to the festival by train to Lewes, then shuttle bus (timetable uncertain). I wonder if anyone else from Get Writing is thinking of going?

One event in particular may be of interest to September Subbers - the Short Story Slam on Saturday night. "You've heard of a poetry slam - this is the same format using short stories, New York style. It's stimulating, competitive and great fun. If you want to take part, bring along a short story on the subject of Just Good Friends - politicians, lovers, Ross and Rachel, the Bloomsbury Group, Harry and Sally... The story should take no more than five minutes to read aloud, clearly. Names will be put into a hat and around ten people chosen to take part. The audience will vote for the best story of the evening."

Hmm... if my name went in the hat but didn't get picked out, would that still count as a sub?

smiley - smiley


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 113

Sally Quilford

I'd say so Northey. It's a similar 'chance' to getting published or winning a competition.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 114

Sally Quilford

Everyone get over to this thread at wordplay to win a publishing deal courtesy of Richard and Judy. I want to see that everyone has subbed by October 15th Sally

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 115


Thanks, Sally! You're a star!

smiley - ok


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 116


I cant get to much of the Charleston thing.. but I live 2 miles from Lewes. Would love to meet up if you are here??


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 117


A couple of hits from previous threads and nowhere to list them, so I thought Id tell you guys..

One acceptance from Quiet Feather (and a thanks to Tom Hobbit for that recommendation, I seem to recall)

and one shortlisting..the Mere comp.


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 118


Ah, sadly I don't qualify to enter the Richard and Judy comp - but good luck to everyone who does!

Vanessa, CONGRATULATIONS on the Quiet Feather hit and the Mere shortlisting! smiley - bubbly

It would be great to meet up next w/e - the only problem is, I don't have a car. Could meet you in Lewes, or at Charleston - maybe Friday or Saturday?

smiley - cheerup


September 1st Start Subbing

Post 119


I have a car.. ring me..01273 814149
would be lovely to meet. Im busy over lunchtime friday but otherwise, free. and saturday freeish.

September 1st Start Subbing

Post 120

Sally Quilford

Congratulations Vanessa! Yes, do share good news with us here. It spurs us on!


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