A Conversation for Talking Point: The Great Sweet Debate

Pear drops, Altoids and a big Toblerone

Post 1


When it comes down to it (IMO) nothing beats a piece of dark or milk Toblerone.smiley - chocsmiley - biggrin

Pear drops are the best in car journeys but out and about my favourite mint has always been altoids, i must have loads of empty tins around the house. Until recently i was content with these peppermint treats then i went to NY at christmas. What a variety of flavours!!
Tangerine, Wintergreen, Spearmint and the best Cinnamon (also in 'strip' form!)

I know it is a originally UK based company so how come we dont get these?smiley - ermOr is it just that i haven't looked hard enough.

Pear drops, Altoids and a big Toblerone

Post 2

Uncle Ghengis

You could try some of the 'alternative' mints... like Penguin Mints, or Warp Mints, or XTZs - many of which also come in sugar-free and caffeinated versions... (yow!)

mmmm mints

Post 3


What is this world if full of mints
i have no-where to buy these mints

penguin mints??

its an exciting world out there

mmmm mints

Post 4


My sons buy from cybercandy online (try google to get full address) - you can get all sorts of foreign/caffeine rich/unusual sweets.

mmmm mints

Post 5

Uncle Ghengis

Yup. Cybercandy truly is a wonderful resource if your hunting unsual sweets. Many of them are collected from coutries across the globe.

mmmm mints

Post 6

Uncle Ghengis

It has been alledged that altoids have 'alternative uses'... (even elsewhere on h2g2) I puzzled about this for a while, but then I understood...

(Such are the dark secrets of the world of mints - spoken of in hushed tones - a mystery fathomed by a select few...)

(I'll say no more)

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