A Conversation for Talking Point: The Great Sweet Debate

What new sweets do you like?

Post 1


As we can see confectionary manufacturers bring out new sweets to tempt the delights of kids. So what new sweeties do we love to eat or are we all nostalgic for sweets we can't get any more?

smiley - zoom

I like lemon polos even though they've been around a few years now. But they weren't around when I was a kid. smiley - devil

What new sweets do you like?

Post 2


Is Bueno new?
I like it any waysmiley - ok

What new sweets do you like?

Post 3

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

I used to like lemon polos, until I bought some in October that were out of date in January.

smiley - angelsmiley - spork

What new sweets do you like?

Post 4


what r lemon polo'ssmiley - erm

What new sweets do you like?

Post 5


You have never really delved into a sweetie shop that much !!.smiley - smiley
They are polos, they are bright yellow/green & lemon flavoured. I have some with me. No hint of any mint flavouring. They have the same consistency of mint polos as opposed to the fruit ones. Have a good look round for some.

What new sweets do you like?

Post 6


is there a difference between lemon and citrus polos then?

What new sweets do you like?

Post 7


I think that Lemon Polos & Citrus Polos are the same thing. They've just been re-named in recent years. smiley - sorry Have a smiley - cake

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