A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 1


whadda ya fink?


blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I think... ba ba boo blochanasporin boo rah rah!

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 3

Taff Agent of kaos

wibble wibble wibble

(do you do it doggy doggy*) in swahili

smiley - bat

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 4


bowa bouula umpta deuas lumpft, hutay mulla buj canz xasd vupoo


hello, you smell nice lover, how might you be sexy female

smiley - ok

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 5


buj is ment to be bouula

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...


Translation: How was that for you?; I quite enjoyed it.

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 7

Taff Agent of kaos


smiley - bat

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 8

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

boning bon boningness

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 9

Taff Agent of kaos

ooohhh wallah wallah wallah

destination zululand

ooohhh wallah wallah wallah

smiley - bat

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 10


im just a smiley - devil in disguise
look for me im in the skies

you wont catch me eating any pies
cuz im a skinny C*nt, my shit dnt attract flies

ill boi you off, say your goodbyes

billa bang billa bong
i ripped off ya girlfriends thong

ill sit hear all day, singing my song

cuz im a smiley - devil in disguise

you cant catch me, ya gotta be wise

enough said,

go home

make a tea,

make ya bed

if ya dont, ill pop a cap, in ya head

i cant go on all night like

not like you, oine minute wonder

ive heard it all

5secs gone, u cum and thats all

roll over, start sleeping

ill be there

in ur girlfriend, secreting, ma magical dust

see you down there, loads ahh rust

and theres me, rather buff

i stop traffic, lets ave it


DJ-ORCH'S bars, watch out for that on your radio, u heard it first on H2G2!!!

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More

That's terrible. I'm all for the immediate excecution of anyone including the word "thong" in a song.

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 12


What can be wrong with thong in a song?

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 13


well a thong, in a song, is quite commonsmiley - winkeye

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 14


How embarrasing lol

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

naa... that ain't embarasing.... not like the time I arranged to like meet up with someone... and they like... well weren't quite what I expected.. that was embarsing... fun all the same, but wmbarasing...

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 16


what was she like?

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

wow... yeh, that is exactly what she was like... a she... smiley - snorksmiley - blushsmiley - angel

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 18


what was you expectin'

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 19

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Someone a bit more... Or even, exactly, like a 'he'.... But never let an oppertunity go away as I always wsay... tis good to be flexible over such things smiley - blushsmiley - snork

blah blah boo boo ba ba boo loo

Post 20


i am confused at what your saying lol

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