A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

And the point is?

Post 1


This is terribly bleak but I'm becoming more and more aware of feeling, 'why bother? This has been brought about by watching too many documentaries about the impending this and the consequences of that, the constant news items about melting ice caps, homeless polar bears, floodings, forest fires, pestilence and plague and the implications of leaving everything on standby. A little voice at the back of my head is whispering, 'we're all going to die anyway, so what's the point of trying to do anything?' I think I am becoming depressed by it all. The answer has to be 'enjoy life while you can' but it's all going to disappear, the art, the pubs, the places, the people, the music, religion, God, the whole kit and kaboodle....

And the point is?

Post 2


smiley - wah please don't be depressed...

And the point is?

Post 3


Whenever I feel like that I do a magic dance I once created which makes all my ex-girlfriends exceedingly fat.

you need bushy twigs, but rolled up magazines will do.

alternately bat the twigs on your shoulders in rapid succession

1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6

fast as you can

Curtsey, twigs out at the sides, turn ninety degrees to the left

Repeat. All the while you should be uttering high pitched ululations and grinding the hips.

And the point is?

Post 4


I'd prefer it if the British taxpayers money wasn't spent on ridiculous causes.

And the point is?

Post 5


It's not gone yet, make the most of everything, enjoy life as if it were your last day on earth. Take time to look at nature and see how amazing it is. Most importantly be the best of what ever it is you do. To get satisfaction from your tasks is the best way of feeling satisfied with yourself. Smile getting a miserable person to smile is a task I take on everyday. It's a game I play. Try and look on the bright side, when things go wrong try and laugh, it could always have been worse. Most important don't take yourself so seriously, if you make a difference then someone else will feel your karma and make a difference too.

The point is this is not a rehearsal, this is your one shot of life make sure you enjoy every single moment whatever it is you do.

And the point is?

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The point is that 'there is no point', which once you've realised means you can get on and just go out and do your hardest to have the most hoopiest of times as much of the time as is possible... All the doom and gloom stuff in the media about our impending whiping out of the plannet and such like is mainly all media hype anyhow, and seeing as we can't do anything about it if it is as bad as they'd have us believe, its relaly not worth worrying about... So have a nice long walk to the pub, have a few goodly sized measures of whatever takes your fancy, read the book review sections of the newspapers only, and then go do something insainly wild and crazy just for fun smiley - boingsmiley - cheers

And the point is?

Post 7

Einmoto - CoachAntony

STOP THE PRESS!! For the first time (I think) I agree with 2Legs. (big cheer).

Feeling Blue is quite normal ... if you didn't feel anything that would be worse! You might stop watching the docs and reading the newspapers/tv news for a while - it helped me.

Most of the time you can't directly help the starving, the homeless, the polar bears, etc. You can, however perhaps do something in your area ... go for a walk in the local forest, take a plastic bag and pick up rubbish (discretly smiley - erm otherwise they will think you crazy).
Another option might be to do something voluntary ... giving something back to the society. For example: if you like golf, you might offer a course for young people! Or something silly like that.

I have also felt like that ... totally normal ... you are not alone!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

And the point is?

Post 8


Sorry I won't be in London to meet you 2Legs, perhaps my brother might like to join you instead. Unfortunately he hasn't told me what his hootoo ID is, so you wouldn't know who he was anyway would you? I have never wanted to meet Whisky, I think he is a pain in the bottom and I met quite a lot of your very nice hootooers at the Swan in Lancaster Gate about 18 months ago. Won't be there again in the forseeable future.

smiley - goodluck with the meet anyway smiley - ok

And the point is?

Post 9

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

While on the one hand I agree with the other posts on here so far, there's another point... Doesnt the thought of change fascinate you? Wouldnt you sort of love to be a fly on the wall of the solar system/galaxy/universe and find out what civilisations and art and beaty and environments follow us? Post-post apocalypse?? Things will never stop, they'll just change! Our civilisation and inhabiting of the world is keeping other species down, with us removed, something else will have it's time, it's supremacy...

So the worst that can happen is that things change. That is a huge comfort to me smiley - biggrin

And the point is?

Post 10


A huge comfort to me is the knowledge that even the biggest mistakes I made in this life are just small insignificant things in the scheme of things. The good stuff like friendships and my ability to make people smile spreads and seems sometimes to make a difference.

Just look around you and you will find that you have made a difference in someones life. I mean a positive difference.

And the point is?

Post 11


I agree
humour makes the world spin

also ask yourself -

"What, in the world, is better because of me ?"

If the answer is 'not much' then -
make a start

the positive feedback alone makes it worthwhile

smiley - bubbly

And the point is?

Post 12


That probably wasn't a fair thing to say about Whisky, when he isn't here to defend himself, and he may have changed, but I shouldn't think that anyone is much bothered about whever I go to London, or not, anyway because most people have a habit of totally disregarding what I say anyway.

And the point is?

Post 13

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

That's because you spend a lot of time moaning. Lighten up a bit!smiley - biggrin

And the point is?

Post 14


I don't spend a lot of time moaning, as it happens, you have never bothered to take the time to get to know me properly.

And the point is?

Post 15

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

If your often seen public face gives a certain impression though, people may choose not to get further involved Chi... On the internet, where so many people and places are easily available, people are pretty shallow to start with, it's just the way it is... If there's an easy option (i.e. Someone who appears easy going and laid back) they are more likely to attract more interest easier. They equally may not make good close friends if they are just that shallow...

People are strange!

And the point is?

Post 16


Roy obviously didn't read everything I wrote earlier and I don't do all my socialising or business in the pub smiley - towel

As for 'hearsay' and 'gossip' if you want to listen to that, then I don't want to know any of you anyway.

Furthermore, I agree with Robyne. 'There is nought so queer as folk'...

Perhaps 2Legs should arrange a meeting somewhere other than the pub.

And the point is?

Post 17


Roy, Chiki is very amusing. No offence, Chik.

And the point is?

Post 18


No, offence taken. I can't afford to go to London anyway, not at the moment. smiley - smiley

And the point is?

Post 19


Next timesmiley - smiley

And the point is?

Post 20


Maybe just a little bit later than the appointed time smiley - winkeye

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