A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
How to edit your home page
Enlightener Started conversation Apr 28, 1999
ha everyone, I find that you can only get everything works properly with IE 4.0 with the address h2g2.com rather than www.h2g2.com.
How to edit your home page
discHead Posted Apr 29, 1999
I find that you will have the easiest time editing things if your browser is set to accept cookies. (Preferably with icing. And absolutely no frogs.)
How to edit your home page
Researcher 30126 Posted Apr 29, 1999
No frogs eh? Wish you told me that sooner, I accidentally dropped a Taffonian Emmion on three of them... Sorry about that. Now I guess I have to go report to the French ambassador or something?
Squanky B'zetozll
exploring the unexplored (Bath City)
Researcher 26235 Posted Apr 29, 1999
Some Dhtml tricks, Javathings, alittle research and some good pubs around Bath. (surf.to/Bath)
Doubleoseven Posted Apr 29, 1999
You look like someone who can tell me how to change my name from researcher 123456 to something much more sexy and descriptive. Can you tell me hoe please ?
Wole Tall Posted Apr 29, 1999
As the big bold text says when you're posting a message, goto your home page, click on "my details" in the gooey stuff at the left
of the window and you can become Bill Clinton (or better still Monica).
Vynce Posted May 3, 1999
I have tried this method (not the squaring method, the other one) approximately 8 times now.
every time my nickname has been conveniently changed back to "Researcher 34652" from the obviously inferior "Vynce" that I have selected. While generally I consider myself to be a super-user who knows where his towel is, I appear this time to be a J. Random Luser who couldn't find his "D" key with both hands and a flashlight, following directions from the "F".
So, since I am as dumb as the letter s, perhaps someone could enlighten me as to what to do after typing the names i would like to appear. On the other hand, you could just shoot me and tell me to get back to work.
Researcher 38525 Posted May 16, 1999
As everyone knows, the answer to the whole problem is '42' and that isall I can add at the present moment, as my babblfish has self destructed.
missing off the www
Moose (Researcher 32986) Posted May 17, 1999
Just out of interest I tried entering just h2g2.com instead of www.h2g2.com to see if it would help a different problem (which it didn't), but using that URL I was unable to access the 'Don't Panic' page anymore.
most frequently not seen
lufthaave Posted Jun 25, 1999
well - i just wonder why i do not see the most frequently used forums
links? what am i doing wrong??? i've tried to hit the don't panic
button - several times - but it just makes me freek out even more!
help me someone - i'm eh?? panicking here!
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How to edit your home page
- 1: Enlightener (Apr 28, 1999)
- 2: discHead (Apr 29, 1999)
- 3: Researcher 30126 (Apr 29, 1999)
- 4: Researcher 26235 (Apr 29, 1999)
- 5: Doubleoseven (Apr 29, 1999)
- 6: Wole Tall (Apr 29, 1999)
- 7: Researcher 27254 (Apr 30, 1999)
- 8: Vynce (May 3, 1999)
- 9: Researcher 38525 (May 16, 1999)
- 10: Moose (Researcher 32986) (May 17, 1999)
- 11: lufthaave (Jun 25, 1999)
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