
My name is Wole Kolawole. I'm a British born Nigerian living in England at the moment. I'm a Christian (Born Again, Spirit filled and Heaven bound) and fellowship with The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Dominion Parish, Hounslow, London, England. I'm a full time Christian and a part time computer programmer (God uses that to pay the bills). My interests are many but generally revolve around anything scientific or mathematical. I'm also a musician; I play the Bass Guitar and play with the Keyboard. And as if that were not enough, I also trained myself as an Audio Engineer (though very much in the amateur category). My main interest is in the spiritual climate of the world today. I see a complete decline of moral value precipitated by a prior decline in spiritual values. To further complicate matters, spiritual awareness has hit rock bottom and has started coming up the other side of the valley (the wrong side of the valley). Awareness is rapidly growing of negative spiritual influences and more and more people are becoming more aware of demons than they are of God. Anyway, that's me in a nutshell. Subjects that I'll post here will lean heavily towards Christian religious matters and I make no apology for it. Some people love bars and pubs, I love God.

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On the job market again Aug 5, 2003 No Replies
How to edit your home page Apr 29, 1999 Jun 25, 1999


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Wole Tall

Researcher U30788


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