Life can - at times - suck

Life can at times suck. At least if one is in Norway in the middle of the summer - with no prospects of going someplace warmer. Life sucks when you have to wear woolen sweaters in the middle of June and all your friends are off to some island in the Carribian or Spain or some other nasty place. Life sucks - until you find a website like this. So here I am - I guess - a perfectly normal humanoid from the planet earth. Or at least I thought I was perfectly normal until my friends told me that reading books in the middle of the night while standing on ones head and waving ones feet making bird sounds wasn't normal. I honestly thought everyone did that for fun. I live, go to school, and try not to mug to many old ladies in the small 'oil villiage' Stavanger, Norway. Because of this mean weather - I spend most of my time inside. Either at cafe's or in my house listening to or making music. The music I make is more like noise mostly - but sometimes I get into the right mood - and it doesn't make the neighbours call the police thinking I might be in serious trouble or something. But now - perhaps - if the weather doesn't seriously improve I might contribute to these pages - and bother you lot for a while.

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life sucks? Nov 22, 1999


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