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life sucks?

Post 1

Quentin Lacerda

No, life doesn't suck. Sure, at times it can seem like things aren't going your way when people are trying to hunt you down armed with things that probably has a manual the size of a bible for people with bad sight, but most of the time life is ok. My life at least, and I'm sure if you just strip down to a minumum of clothing on a hot summer's day, sit down in the sun in your favourite chair (drag it out of the living room, noones sitting there in the middle of the summer anyway), put on some music that takes away your troubles, and read a good book. Alternatively, read the paper, write, or just relax. Trouble can be almost too easy to forget at times...

life sucks?

Post 2


Hey let him think it sucks! Maybe it doesnt suck to you. But it does to him, and im sure, that is what he cares about right now. He doesnt like the cold...OK, if he thinks that is terrible, let him think it is terrible, hell get over it soon enough, one person can only feel sorry for themselves for so long, and as for making your troubles be forgotten, well it might be easy for you but it is much harder for some people. No matter how small their problem is to you.

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