Samantha Lynn is the most Awesome person in the WWW!!!!

Amour de certains ce qu'elles ne peuvent pas avoir. Certains dédaignent ce qu'elles ne peuvent pas avoir. Par conséquent je dédaigne ce que j'aime, et puis seulement aimer cela que je dédaigne.

Do you know what that means? A little something like: Some love what they can't have. Some despise what the can't have. Therefore I despise what I love, and can only love that which I despise. Umm....yea! GO BUCS. Look, Ill be 15 on December 15th. I keep thinking that most people in the place are kinda old or something. I really dont know yet. What I do know is that I already like this place. Im actually a very interesting person. You can write me if you's like at [email protected] I love getting email. Well I mean there isn't much else for me to tell you. Uhhhhh..... yea I thought it over that is it. Buh Bye 8-)

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Very Interesting Dec 22, 1999


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Teachers Apr 15, 2000 No Replies
Very Interesting Dec 22, 1999 No Replies
i dont know Nov 25, 1999 No Replies
life sucks? Nov 22, 1999 No Replies
Yea...Life sux, join the club. Nov 22, 1999 No Replies


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