A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Imagine a world where ...

Post 1

Einmoto - CoachAntony

Imagine a world where there was no Spam to greet me each morning when I switch on the computersmiley - biggrin

Imagine a world where ...

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Spam makes me feel alive.

Imagine a world where ...

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Spam makes the world go round smiley - ufo anyhow... its nice to know one has all these 'friends' in nigeria smiley - winkeye

Imagine a world where ...

Post 4

Yael Smith

Nigerians are generally quite friendly and informative, but they ask so many questions...

I, for one, would like spammers to at least know that I'm not a man, therefore am not in possession of a penis, thank you.

Imagine a world where ...

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laugh I would like for them to know that I wouldn't like a fake rolex watch even if it was free... smiley - erm

Imagine a world where ...

Post 6

Yael Smith

What about fake university degrees?

Imagine a world where ...

Post 7

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

What, like Gillian McKeith's?

smiley - run

Imagine a world where ...

Post 8

Yael Smith

And who's she?

Imagine a world where ...

Post 9

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Channel 4's poo lady. She used to use the title 'Dr' but The Guardian's Ben Goldacre managed to get the same (mail order) qualification for his dead cat. I don't think she uses it any more!

Imagine a world where ...

Post 10

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Argh! I keep forgetting we have no bleedin' edit button.

Anyway, here's a linky (though it's not terribly objective.)


Imagine a world where ...

Post 11


Imagine the world without the rubbish of superstitions that pass themselves off as alternative medicines and meta-science?

Imagine a world where ...

Post 12


Imagine the world without spam? hmmmm I suppose we would have to eat tinned ham instead or corned beef or something else of that ilk.smiley - run

Imagine a world where ...

Post 13

A Super Furry Animal

smiley - drool Corned beef...

>> What about fake university degrees? <<

I thought that's what they gave you after 3 years at a fake polytechnic-calling-itself-a-university? No?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Imagine a world where ...

Post 14

Einmoto - CoachAntony

this sounds very familiar, RF. Are you sure we didn't study together??

Nice to hear from you again Cookiecate: don't worry, I'll send you a tin if you get short ... lots here in the cupboard.

I remember when I was young - 10 I guess - no one wrote to me, not even the gas and electric people, so I applied for everything. Still getting stuff through the door.

I'd love to know where the Spam comes from ... has anyone done a study to find the whereabouts/origins of spam? Sounds like something that Darwin would have written!

Imagine a world where ...

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The freezer would always be on the right side of the wall when you wanted it, and it didn't keep wondering off to the otherside to sit on the ledge outside.

Imagine a world where ...

Post 16

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

Telesales cold calling you would be outlawed smiley - evilgrin...

Imagine a world where ...

Post 17

A Super Furry Animal

>> this sounds very familiar, RF. Are you sure we didn't study together?? <<

Quite sure. I went to a *proper* university, that had always been a university. I studied a *proper* course: biochemistry.

None of yer "surf management" "degrees" that you get these days.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Imagine a world where ...

Post 18

Einmoto - CoachAntony

The day I left with my degree, it changed to a univ!

Cold calling must be really great for the lonely. How could we transfer all the cold calling centres to lonely people - perhaps the telephone companies could re-route them to old peoples home

Oh, yes ... my cat's got this thing ... yes! yes! I told her last week that I didn't want the banana, but do you think that she listen? No!!

Imagine a world where ...

Post 19

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

A world without spam is a world without spam festivals! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3cF9SxddUk

Imagine a world where ...

Post 20

Einmoto - CoachAntony

In the winter there would be snow
In the spring there would be light rain
In the summer there would be sunshine
In the autumn there would be wind

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