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One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 401

Ancient Brit

Knock knock
post 329 -

Of course the group-think attitude contributes to their creation and continuance. It is such an attitude that provides fodder for problem researchers. Who do the non problematic researchers think they are ? Problem researchers are and always will be a 'force' to be reckoned with. Just think about it the whole of this thread revolves around them. Remember h2g2 relates to Life, the Universe and Everything, the good the bad and the indifferent
In RL it's the bad guys/events that make the headlines.
It so happens that no matter how many rules you draw up the bad guy will ignore them or find a way round them and the consequence will be that 'innocent' people get hurt.
The world is full of bad guys and the world does not know how to deal with them.
It would be a miracle if h2g2 were to come up with a solution. smiley - smiley
The nearest we'll get in our internet world is az's - 'OK Let's Step Outside' - A6206069

Here's the thing that bothers me about h2g2 smiley - biggrin - A896097
Incidentally when does a rant become a troll ?
Ancient Brit smiley - ok

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One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

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