This is the Message Centre for Mrs Zen

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 321

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Have I missed something again smiley - headhurts Give me a clue?

There does seem to be alot of good stuff again in the last half day (although I'm glad I didn't have Ben's backlog). Well done everyone smiley - applause

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 322

Mrs Zen

Um. Post 316.

Fiddling around with my user-name, which is pretty bloody difficult when there is only one letter of it, I realised that if I changed it to 'O' then people would assume that this conversation and others like it were fascinating for other reasons entirely. smiley - handcuffssmiley - yikessmiley - handcuffs


One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 323

A. Honeybadger

B, I really quite like the use of infinity as your "anagram". In fact, I've found all the 'anagramming' quite amusing, despite being so lacking in creativity that I couldn't come up with anything interesting on my own (mind you, couldn't create anything decent either! smiley - laugh )

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 324

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

>>Um. Post 316.<<

smiley - huh

Yes, you were writing post 316 as I was writing post 319. I did read 316. I've missed what you are getting at. Always best with me to SPELL IT OUT smiley - winkeye

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 325

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


"Nah", I didn't smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout! In fact, this is so funny, it makes quality reading, and sure boosts my ego, to see I am so important to so many lonely people...

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 326


smiley - laugh

Oh dear dell, you're a bit behind the times! Everyone's moved on.

The scenery has changed, we're into the all singing, all dancing bit now! smiley - biggrin

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 327

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Ah, there's the problem see, me being so busy doing other things. H2g2 isn't a top priority any more, and I wonder why it ever was? (Well, back in 2001 when I joined, it was a lot nicer place - now it's all about group-think. smiley - wah)

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 328


Que sera sera! smiley - somersault

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 329

Mrs Zen

smiley - blush I thought Kelli meant me when she talked about someone replying post by post, (because that is exactly what I was doing), and thought it was me who Az was saying had un-subbed. smiley - blush

>> now it's all about group-think (Della, two posts ago)

Well - that *is* the nub of this thread.

I wanted to ask whether problem researachers are born or made, and to what extent (if at all) group-think contributes to their creation and continuance.


One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 330


<> (kea)

Good thinking Batman. I've changed the page slightly to read "invite you to speak to me about this further on this page (should you care to do so)".

<> (kea)

Well, I certainly wouldn't mind if you or anyone else used that page, to help keep PSs and other threads free of disagreeable stuff. I think it is a 'generic' enough page that is should suit any size or shape disagreement. smiley - winkeye


One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 331


Coupla things to respond to:

"I think the reason the dumb bomb didn't work was because..."

The reason the dumb bomb didn't work was because it was very transparently a mean-spirited *joke*. At least, that's how *I* intended it. And it was successful, in that the people who like that sort of thing thought it was funny, and the people it was meant to irritate were irritated. Score one for satire.

I'm baffled why Della's ego is boosted by this thread, given that the main driver behind its beginning was behaviour surrounding tig and LW. Still, one must take one's ego-boosts where one can, and in some cases make them up out of thin air if necessary, I guess. smiley - ok

As for the imprecation to STOP THAT NOW - that's easy for you to say, B, because it's not *you* she's lying about, again, despite being asked, nicely, not to. As I pointed out, I am just as tired of it as you, if not more, but if someone posts egregious lies about me in a thread in which I'm active, then I'm sorry, I will not let it, um, lie. I especially won't let it lie simply because others find it tedious.

Like I said - if repeatedly reading corrections to egregious lies bores you, the only effective solution is to tackle the problem at source. Why, I wonder, does nobody want to do that? I suspect because we all know it's pointless. Hey ho.


One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 332

Mrs Zen

>> As for the imprecation to STOP THAT NOW - that's easy for you to say, B, because it's not *you* she's lying about,

Not in this thread, but she has and does still occasionally lie about me.

Kea's observation that the less one interacts with her, the less she interacts with you is the key here.

But as I said - my thread, my rules, there are tens or, more likely, hundreds of thousands of other threads you can go and play in.

We are now at T minus 36, and counting.


PS - What is more interesting is to what extent the demonstrable success of simply not interacting with Della can be generalised to being a recipe for dealing with trolls in general.

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 333

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


*Takes a bow*

SoRB: change the record already!

While we all know that you don't like Della, and the circumstances which caused this dislike do you *really* need to keep telling us? It's not like we've got memory problems or anything.

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 334


I'd just like to bung the following thread into the pot for general consideration. Look at the contributors so far. And look at the level of debate. Whilst I may strongly disagree with some of the views in there (I think thats plain from my posts) and others equally strongly disagree with me, it is good to see that it is still a debate and not a slanging match (tempting fate I know!).

So we can all get along and we can have opposing views in a thread, especially with a subject which historically has generated so much bile and venom, and keep it nice.

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 335


smiley - doh

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 336


st as an aside (I'll stop spamming with this one!) thought the following transcript might show that this issue of flame wars isn't just on the internet. I can recognise factors of both Darkus Howes' and Joan Rivers' speach from this in various posts on the site. (I heard this live and it wasn't the easiest to listen to.),14173,1596314,00.html

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 337

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

smiley - laughsmiley - erm

Pity they haven't put what Rivers said that prompted Howes' comments. Do you remember Ictoan?

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 338

Mrs Zen

>> Purves: Andrea, shall we talk about plant photography while Joan and Darcus glare at each other?

smiley - roflsmiley - somersaultsmiley - rofl


One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 339


actually, I don't recall Joan saying anything to particularly spark the comment. I do recall thinking that Darkus Howes comment was a bit off the wall, as it were. I may have missed something though as I was negotiating a motorway traffic jam at the time!

One of the things which has been troubling me about h2g2 this past year or so....

Post 340


B, yes, that made me laugh out loud in the car!

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