This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 61

the fat gardener

Hello there from Arthur, from the People's Republic of Scunthorpe, where the beers half price and we are all real men, unless we're women, and then we're right good totty.

Weaver A3229102 - 7.5
Karjon A3244664 - 8.5
Havago A3261647 - 7
Lyndabk A3265814 - 7.5
Naethyme A3268361 - 7
Kate A3278081 - 8.5
Looby A3292634 - 8
Spidey A3295424 - 7.5
Penjen A3298070 - 7.5
Roy A3298214 - 9
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 - 9
Enigmatic A3299844 - 8

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 62


Fatgardener A3227573 -7
Weaver A3229102 -7
Karjon A3244664 -7
Haveago A3261647 -
Lyndabk A3265814 -8
Naethyme A3268361 -8
Kate A3278081 -7
Looby A3292634 -8
Spidey A3295424 -8
Penjen A3298070 -9
Roy A3298214 -8
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 -9
Enigmatic A3299844 -8

Roger smiley - silly

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 63


Fatgardener A3227573 - 7.5
Weaver A3229102 - 7.5
Karjon A3244664 - 8
Havago A3261647 - 7
Lyndabk A3265814 - 8
Naethyme A3268361 - N/A
Kate A3278081 - 7.5
Looby A3292634 - 7
Spidey A3295424 - 7.5
Penjen A3298070 - 8
Roy A3298214 - 8
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 - 8
Enigmatic A3299844 - 8

NT smiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 64


Fatgardener A3227573 ~7
Weaver A3229102 ~na
Karjon A3244664 ~8
Havago A3261647 ~6
Lyndabk A3265814 ~8.5
Naethyme A3268361 ~7
Kate A3278081 ~7.5
Looby A3292634 ~6.5
Spidey A3295424 ~7
Penjen A3298070 ~6
Roy A3298214 ~6
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 ~7
Enigmatic A3299844 ~7

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 65


Fatgardener A3227573 – 8.5
Weaver A3229102 – 8.5
Havago A3261647 - 8
Lyndabk A3265814 – 7.5
Naethyme A3268361 – 7.5
Kate A3278081 - 8
Looby A3292634 – 7.5
Spidey A3295424 – 7.5
Penjen A3298070 - 8
Roy A3298214 – 7.5
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 - 8
Enigmatic A3299844 - 8

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 66


Fatgardener A3227573 - 8
Weaver A3229102 - 8
Karjon A3244664 - 7.5
Havago A3261647 - 8.5
Lyndabk A3265814 - 9
Naethyme A3268361 - 8
Kate A3278081 - 7.5
Looby A3292634 - 8.5
Spidey A3295424 - 7.5
Penjen A3298070 - 8
Roy A3298214 - 8.5
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299844 -
Enigmatic A3299844 - 8

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 67


Fatgardener A3227573 8.5

Weaver A3229102 9

Karjon A3244664 9.5

Havago A3261647 7.5

Lyndabk A3265814 8.5

Naethyme A3268361 8

Kate A3278081 7.5

Looby A3292634 N/A

Spidey A3295424 7.5

Penjen A3298070 7.5

Roy A3298214 7.5

Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 8.5

Enigmatic A3299844 8

That completes the scores from Loobyville.

smiley - biggrin

I thought the standard was very high all round this time.

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 68


Fatgardener A3227573 7.5

Weaver A3229102 9

Karjon A3244664 7

Havago A3261647 7.5

Lyndabk A3265814

Naethyme A3268361 7

Kate A3278081 7

Looby A3292634 7.5

Spidey A3295424 7

Penjen A3298070 7

Roy A3298214 7

Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 9

Enigmatic A3299844 7

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 69


Hello from Majella and Bridget's mate, Sharon, (from the car park behind the Super Bowl, hanging round a 1984 Metallic green Lada...) smiley - whistle

Fats A3227573 - 8.5
Weaver A3229102 - 6.5
Karjon A3244664 - 8
Havago A3261647 - 6.5
Lyndabk A3265814 - 8
Naethyme A3268361 - 7
Kate A3278081 - 7
Looby A3292634 - 8.5
Spidey A3295424 - 6.5
PenJen A3298070 - 0.0
Roy A3298214 - 8.5
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 - 9
Enigmatic A3299844 - 8

Right then, I'm a way for a 'P', Bob........ smiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 70


And here are the votes from Kateowksa in frozen eastern Poland (where the totty is luscious but well covered).

Fats A3227573 - 8
Weaver A3229102 - 9
Karjon A3244664 - 9
Havago A3261647 - 7.5
Lyndabk A3265814 - 8.5
Naethyme A3268361 - 7
Kate A3278081 -
Looby A3292634 - 7
Spidey A3295424 - 7
PenJen A3298070 - 8
Roy A3298214 - 8.5
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 - 8.5
Enigmatic A3299844 - 8

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 71


Finally - sorry I'm late...smiley - erm

Fats A3227573 - 8
Weaver A3229102 - 8.5
Karjon A3244664 - 9
Havago A3261647 - 8
Lyndabk A3265814 - 8
Naethyme A3268361 - 7.5
Kate A3278081 - 8.5
Looby A3292634 - 8
Spidey A3295424 - 7.5
PenJen A3298070 - 7.5
Roy A3298214 -
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 - 8
Enigmatic A3299844 - 8.5

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 72


Told you these hormones were playing havoc with my memory.

Ok, I kneel, ready to be chastised, who's first?

19th nov 60 word entries

Fatgardener A3227573 7

Weaver A3229102 6.5

Karjon A3244664 8

Havago A3261647 7

Lyndabk A3265814 8

Naethyme A3268361 6

Kate A3278081 6

Looby A3292634 8

Spidey A3295424

Penjen A3298070 7

Roy A3298214 7

Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 9

Enigmatic A3299844 8.5

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 73


The final scores for the Nov 19th 60 word challenge are.

Fatgardener A3227573 -93
Weaver A3229102 -93.5
Karjon A3244664 -96.5
Haveago A3261647 -87.5
Lyndabk A3265814 -96.5
Naethyme A3268361 -87.5
Kate A3278081 -88.5
Looby A3292634 -92
Spidey A3295424 -87
Penjen A3298070 -91
Roy A3298214 -92.5
Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187 -99
Enigmatic A3299844 -95

And the winners are.

First Asmallnumberofmonkeys 99
Second Karjon 96.5 and Lyndabk 96.5
Fourth Enigmatic1 95

smiley - bubbly Congratulations to you all. smiley - bubbly

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 74


Bless you Havago for being up so late and doing this now.
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco
smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - ale
Congratulations y'all.

Well deserved to you Asmallnumberofmonkeys
Nice one Karjon
Good for you Lyndabk
Big cheers for Enigmatic1

72 smiley - spider points for all of you

and a consolation smiley - choc for the rest of us!

smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - oksmiley - biggrin


List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 75


Again, well done (to all) and thanks (to roger and spidey).

smiley - cheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 76


Just a thought before I climb into my spiderweb and hang for the night.

Would anyone care to have a go at extending the story to one hundred words. If we are all going to do the same title it might give a little more scope for ingenuity.

smiley - sleepyspidey

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 77


Sounds like a good idea to me.

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 78


Well done everyone, and there is no truth in the rumour that Spidey and I were indisposed together... oh, had no one mentioned that? Oops. smiley - blush

Yes a hundred words does give us a bit more scope next time around. smiley - ok

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 79


Well done everyone! I really enjoyed reading all those stories.

Yes, I'd like to try all of us doing just one story of a hundred words. It will be like the Radio Kent competition (only with more intelligent judges).

Perhaps we could have a quick vote on the title to prevent the process being dragged out? Say, all votes that are in by 48 hours later.


List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 80

the fat gardener

Congratulations smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - ok

Fantastic stories!

Brilliant Asmallnumberofmonkeys!
Clever Karjon
Bloody great Lyndabk
Stonking Enigmatic1
smiley - winkeye

And all the others tooo...

smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - cheerupsmiley - run

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