A Conversation for The Frink's Drinks Lobby

The Misfit Newsletter Classified Section

Post 1

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Would you like to advertise in the Misfit Newsletter? If you would like others to join your club, see your nifty homepage updates, or read your witty articles, this is a good starting point........spam away!

Okay then ...

Post 2

The Dancing Tree

Major updates to two exciting sites from the "brains" behind the Dancing Tree (frazzled as they are)


The official veer web-site including MP3 audio clips from the new release Like This. Also includes a full project history.


Snub Communications: official home of the Dancing Tree. This site has been gutted and shocked for y2k. The Snub Console finally comes of age ...

Okay then ...

Post 3

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Fellow discerning researchers you may want to read my article "In Defence Of Pyjamas" at http://www.h2g2.com/A203437

or perhaps join me on my recent "Bungi-Jumping" trip at http://www.h2g2.com/P203978

Okay then ...

Post 4

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hey all! I was almost starting to wonder if anyone really reads the newsletter smiley - smiley

DT - I listed to a few of the mp3 tracks.....not too shabby! Are you able to support yourself with the music, or is that a long range goal, or do you just do it for kicks? Since this is a spam forum, I'll direct you to a page I submitted about one of my favorite bands:

The Suede Chain
I'm especially interested to get your opinion as a sub-ed concerning what will get cut out if the article makes the grade.....

L&PP - I'll try to read both your articles in the next few days smiley - smiley

Okay then ...

Post 5


So much to see and do!!!

Join in the largest Jam on H2G2 - http://www.h2g2.com/A195581

Listen to my old band Mehelium - http://www.h2g2.com/A181720

Listen to some Digital tunes - http://www.h2g2.com/A193628

Tell me if your an Aussie - http://www.h2g2.com/A193303

Or just visit me at home - http://www.h2g2.com/U52300

That should keep you all busy for a while!!! smiley - smiley

Okay then ...

Post 6

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

First off, everything Dan just said! Definately!

Second, there's me!

Have some coffee (or tea, juice, etc) at the Aroma Café @ http://www.h2g2.com/P202924

Come stare at my page @ http://www.h2g2.com/U55075

Okay then ...

Post 7

The Dancing Tree

Your article first: there are fairly obvious copyright implications and the artwork would have to go. If this is to be submitted I would also remove the track listing (audio links may or may not be acceptible - I'm not entirely sure this has been covered in the guidelines). I'd probably dump them anyway. As for the rest of the article, it's well written for the most part and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be considered for approval. After all, we have seen a recent influx of "pop" oriented articles (movie reviews, etc) so this sort of thing *is* inside the guidelines. So long as articles of this sort retain information (as yours does) then I have no probelm with them - it's not quite the same with a few submissions I have binned which are of local bands. These just had a line saying "We're great" and a line-up. Not too clever!!

As for Veer, I have made no attempt to support myself with it ... yet. This album is due to be A&R'd this year and the most likely contenders for the demo are In Theirs, Round and Round, and Drift. Drift is, IMO, a very, very good track indeed (and the full track is on-line in QDesign .AIFF format). And it's not often I say that sort of thing about my own stuff! As for doing it for kicks - that too smiley - smiley

Okay then ...

Post 8

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Thanks DT - I've already submitted and expect most if not all of what you mentioned to get cut. I can live without the artwork, but will probably leave it in while I can. The audio tracks seem like a question mark. I'm sure the WAV files will have to go - I found them on the internet a long time ago and put them on a free website, so that probably isn't so good. The MPEG files link to the site of band member Brian Hunt, while the realaudio files link to the record distributor site, so they may not be a problem. I hope not, because I think the article really needs them. I can only describe the band so well - you have to hear them to know if you would like them.

I'm also wondering if the link to the record distributor (parasol.com) will get cut. Again, I think it is important - if you read the article and think, "sounds interesting," and then you listen to a few audio clips and think, "sounds REALLY interesting," then you might want to buy an album. And you aren't going to be able to if you don't live in the mid-USA. Parasol is your only choice.

Why do I get the feeling I will be arguing these points in a month or two with the sub-editor who gets the chance to hack the article to bits? smiley - smiley

Okay then ...

Post 9

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hack to bits?smiley - sadface Not in every case, surely?

Anyway... to the matter at hand:

Do you have a stinking head cold? The flu? Do you envy slugs their abrasion-free existence? Do you eat raw eggs? Do you find miscellanious chat too pithy, gritty, or inadequately lubricated? Are there already too many question marks in this posting?

Then why not contribute to...

The Mucilaginous Chat Forum

... ?


Okay then ...

Post 10

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

By "hack to bits" I was only referring to my Suede Chain article, which has a few elements that will very likely be removed smiley - sadface

I've been to your Mucilaginous Chat Forum before, but couldn't think of anything to contribute. And thus I support it silently from afar.


Okay then ...

Post 11


*walks in backwards, bumping into forum* Oh! There it is, just wasn't looking in the right place. smiley - winkeye

I would LOVE to get some input on the subject of horrible roommate experiences, as I'm trying to put together a collaborative Guide Entry: http://www.h2g2.com/A204120

And you can give me your Holiday Wish List here: http://www.h2g2.com/A219098 Unfortunately the camera's broken, or I'd give out pictures of you on my knee... smiley - winkeye

Okay then ...

Post 12

marvthegrate LtG KEA

For you reading pleasure.
http://www.h2g2.com/A184475 an article about Moab Utah, my favorite place in the world.
http://www.h2g2.com/A189678 a review of film director Kevin Smith (a work in progress).
http://www.h2g2.com/A114706 a sad but true account on what it takes to drink here in Utah.
Any input would be great, and Thanks -Archbishop Marv

Okay then ...

Post 13

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Amanda ;P, I'm almost certain that there's already an article on bad room mates somewhere... just so that you know smiley - smiley

Okay then ...

Post 14


Thanks for pointing that out - I've searched the Guide for approved entries on such, but haven't found any that have become part of the Guide proper. Or at least none that deal with "Psycho" roommates. But if you know something I don't, please let me know. smiley - smiley

Okay then ...

Post 15

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

hey amanda and marv, thanks for placing ads. i'm off to check your items out now.......

Okay then ...

Post 16

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

.....and in the spirit of sharing, I'd like to offer up my article about Denver, Colorado:

Have a Fat Tire on me!

Okay then ...

Post 17


Mmmmmmm.....Fat Tire!!! smiley - biggrin

Okay then ...

Post 18

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Mmmmmmmmmmm..... Beeer....

Okay then ...

Post 19

Jimi X

I've got a trio of entries from when I went on vacation in September...
(I know, I know. Took bloody well long enough to write them up didn't I!)
Anyway, they're at:
http://www.h2g2.com/A221239 = Jumonville, Pennsylvania

http://www.h2g2.com/A221275 = The Great Cross of Christ (not nearly as religious as it sounds!)

http://www.h2g2.com/A222878 = Fabrizi’s Restaurant

Thanks!! smiley - smiley

- X

Okay then ...

Post 20

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Coming to a University or backyard near you soon. The super powerful water-gun.

Read all about this toy busy wetting the world and the rocket scientist who invented it at http://www.h2g2.com/A225532

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