A Conversation for The Frink's Drinks Lobby

Okay then ...

Post 21

Mike A (snowblind)

I need to post this here on behalf of the 'one post only' newsletter conversation thing:
I'll repeat it what I said there here:
The Mosh Pit now has music!

I really should put a link here, but I don't have it on me.

Okay then ...

Post 22

The Ghost Of TV's Frink


smiley - smiley

Okay then ...

Post 23

Mike A (snowblind)

Thanks for that!smiley - smiley
But now the videos are playing up with me as well!smiley - sadface
I think I'll wait and see if other people are having trouble with them before seeing if I can do anything about it.

Okay then ...

Post 24

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I know you and I are the only people in the pit so far, so let's try to get some attention:


That ought to do the trick........

Okay then ...

Post 25

Mike A (snowblind)

There are now about 6 different people in there, but it would be so much kickass if there were more.
To encourage more people, I'm thinking of adding a little bit of Blues Power to the Pit. I figure that not everyone likes Iron Maiden so I'll bump in a little space where folks can chill over Clapton's little bluesy gems.

Watch dat space!

Oh, and any Secret Of NIMH fans must collar me right NOW!

Okay then ...

Post 26


Hey guys - I started a "New Year's Resolution" page here: http://www.h2g2.com/A238051 And it's pretty lonely, so feel free to help out. Thanks! smiley - smiley

Okay then ...

Post 27

Mike A (snowblind)

I've been having thoughts about the Pit. At the moment it has a nice picture, swirly coloured links, a link to as much music as you need and a conversation at a loose end. But I think there could be more. Sure I've been talking about the Blues Power bit, but I don't want that to just become a weaker version of the Pit.
So if anyone has any metal or blues related links, or thinks they know how they could expand the Pit, please let me know. Thanx.

Okay then ...

Post 28

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Anybody with thoughts big enough to be divided: there's a lot of space open on the Tibetan Dugout Benches.


Or, if you don't like gardeners forking around with your brain, drop off a cutting in a forum, and we'll find something to graft it to.


Okay then ...

Post 29

Demon Drawer

Announcing a bit of a pre match party over in the announcer's pad the whole team is welcome, I'll be inviting some other friends as well, BYOB.


Just in case any Misfits are unaware of what BYOB means, you can find out here http://www.h2g2.com/A244801 but I'm sure you are all such social creatures that you're already heading over.

Put on your drinking shoes...

Post 30

Jimi X

There's another party this week, but this one is in a special location - Peta's old home page http://www.h2g2.com/U15551

The party forum there is at http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?forum=18878&thread=35559

There's plenty of booze and there's no worries if we accidentally burn the place down!! smiley - winkeye

- X

Put on your drinking shoes...

Post 31

Jimi X

Damn! Don't send out party invitations after you've started drinking...

The party is at http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?forum=23894&thread=35557

My *hic* mistake! smiley - winkeye

- X

Put on your basketball shoes.......

Post 32

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

If anyone is interested in doing A LOT of reading, feel free to check out my new submission to the guide - March Madness


Announcing the Announcers Party is moving

Post 33

Demon Drawer

The party that was at my place has moved to Acapolco, Mexico. Everyone is there well will be soon soon come on over. The Tequila is freashly opened see you here


Adios for now.


Buy us a pint will you mate.

Post 34


Eh oh! I'm advertising my article at http://www.h2g2.com/A250967 on unusual Uni societies. I am looking for comments with a view to finally getting something approved (or even rejected would be nice) as well as tales of other societies to perhaps expand into a super-wahfoo-giganto article. I now return you to your regular psychedelia.

Buy us a pint will you mate.

Post 35

Mike A (snowblind)

I've done some things that people can join, they seem to have gone quiet before there time! smiley - sadface

Here you vote for your top 5 favourite guitarists, to be added to the list which is actually quite big.

Children Of The Damned
This is for people who like HM! I give you a cool tag and you can exchange HM experiences with other metalheads. If you're not quite a big metal fan, then you can have your name put on the 'apprentices' list and get all the info you need!

Buy us a pint will you mate.

Post 36

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

On the shores of Hawke Bay in New Zealand, you will find the Art Deco paradise of Napier. It just happens to be my home town. Please come and visit.


Buy us a pint will you mate.

Post 37

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Everyone is invited to the 1st Annual h2g2 March Madness Tournament Challenge:

Buy us a pint will you mate.

Post 38

Demon Drawer

Everyone is more than welcome to vote voting the 1st Annual H2G2 Academy Awards over at the H2G2 Film Society

Vote one, vote all.

Buy us a pint will you mate.

Post 39

Mike A (snowblind)

Bring Back Dangermouse!

Also, vote for your 5 favourite guitarists:
and follow the links to do the same with vocalists and drummers smiley - smiley

For whom the bell tolls

Post 40

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Procrastination is a very fine choice of lifestyle; but, when the final curtain falls, some things are too important to leave to chance... Don't leave how you're remembered to someone who can't spell illliterate.


Visit the "Do-It-Yourself Obituary Page"


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