A Conversation for Talking Point: Etiquette


Post 1


first assumption in this text..is that etiquette is wellbehaving!

It is NOT...ethic means acting out of the own conscious responsibility,not mainstream respectability...whatever the outside show is.Ccould be "soft well meaning "fascism!the way to hell,is paved with good intentions.Some of my relatives fought again Hitler in the underground...etiquette or ethic?
anybody read Orwell and Huxley,lately?

etiquette,a therm coming from a class society,teaching how to well behave towards hierarchy and has nothing to do with inner ethic.

Eugenism pretending we are overcrowded,(the newest con artist propaganda spread by the fat cats...after the neoliberal crash..to go on abusing!It´s never the one talking who would restrain his needs and family)that for should behave like bowing hypocrites on a small island,hiding their true emotions...avoids the fact..that resource abuse of few pretended "well mannered" over the "wild" ones..has to be a hierarchical patronizing instrument.A violent legitimating imperialist myth.

replacing ethic of the individual by middle class control...is more an indicator of the wish for empowerment of this go-between..starting to feel insecure in an obvious failure of this society to care.

As the Tao shows...in the moment society rules get in stored, the lie is ruling.How much Cromwellian(18 years affecting England with,no dance,no songs,no theatre,no swearwords and total mutual spying control) projecting curtain peeping unsolved epigenetic is in the actual control state owned by the miss manners/bad boys in power?.


Post 2


Compassion/collaboration has been proven neurologically NATURAL as surviving optimum to our specie.Most humans act out of this insight.

Only people mistrusting the human potential out of some moral splitting dualism or the smith theorem based on greed as agent movens...want "etiquette" to handle "the pet".

I wished more philosophical founded understanding of reality,instead of backwards subjective mannerism.Where is the trust in the faculty's or humans to handle conflicts?."Purity" is a dangerously deadly myth to life.Nice=latin=nescious and neatness...are superficial complexity phobias.

If people gets treated as mature citizen...instead of children to lead...respect is evident.Democracy is based on it.
Nepotist dictates on the second concept"We own the truth&lead the masses for their own good".Mac Carthy&co and all other selfrighteout "improvers of the right way to think"" had hidden agendas and issues.

Who controls the controllers?

And the earth turns,despite "the spirit of the time"!


Post 3


Well described. Thank you. Etiquette is a smiley drawn on the little plaster stuck on the big toe of a leg gone gangrene.


Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Etiquette is grease on the wheels of civilization. It's a system of rules, constantly evolving to meet the needs of groups of people who need standards by which to distinguish actions of good will from those of hostility.

The general population may no longer remember that shaking hands was a way of demonstrating that you weren't going to make use of your sword, but they continue to understand the intention of the gesture. That's just an example.

Here at h2g2, we are under the absolute rule of the BBC, who alone determine what is and is not permitted on this site. I don't know where that falls under Apollonia's spectrum of the shortcomings of etiquette.

Within h2g2 itself we practise something we call netiquette. This is based on the fact that our faces, prime communicators of our intent, are invisible. In order to make intent clear, we rely on other forms of illocution. I might, for example, disarm an otherwise rebarbative sounding remark with some sort of emoticon to symbolize a benign facial expression.

And, if engaging in more metalinguistic discussions, I would strive for clarity of expression, eschew obscure words in favor of those that best encapsulated my intended meaning to a broader audience, and never, ever condescend to those whom I addressed.

For example, I am pitching the tone of the post as best as I can to your putative level of education. I am being sincere, although of course you will have to take my word for that, I suppose. I express my sincerity through the structures of expression afforded me by netiquette. I express good intentions by means of good grammar and careful choice of language.

I hope this illuminates why I think etiquette, meaningless though some of its forms have become in real life, is essential to civilized discourse in such contexts as this.


Post 5


who is "we" ?


Post 6

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I take your point, Garden Pilgrim: that was vague. And it was a generalisation.

Nonetheless, there are many dozens, of the hundreds who come to this site, with whom I interact daily, who prize good manners. I spoke for them.

And now perhaps you will be kind enough to read past my first sentence.


Post 7


Considering the nasty "empovered"clique games "some" play in here,giving this old institution and what it used to stand for a bad name,it´s definitely the "haut gout" of a double standard set of rules "etiquette" and for sure the opposite of a human respectful ETHIC.
Some miss definitely a sense of shame,when they use the devalorised therm "manners"(means..me&my friends tells you how to please our nepotist mindsets").What a sad farce in a sad system,not worth much respect,considering to what it leads to in near future to humanity.


Post 8

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Have you really encountered nepotists here? How could you tell?

Ethics are certainly important in guiding human behavior, but in general I think etiquette is a lot shallower than that because it, etiquette, serves mainly to lubricate social interaction. A lot of etiquette's rules are ethics-based, to be sure, but a lot more of them govern niceties of conduct. That would be the "Miss Manners" stuff of which you were so scornful earlier on. That's the stuff that evolves, dies out, or brings about new rules as society changes.

So I think that, although they overlap, etiquette and ethics are two distinct things. Thanks to the pursuit of the study of ethics, we acquire an understanding of the good and the right: thanks to etiquette, we acquire an understanding of the value of defensible space and the prevention of misunderstandings. And those are not trivial things. You are bearing witness to that.


Post 9


How dare you speaking after the witch hunting in here talk about etiquette as "social lubricant"..it remains a tool for opportunist up climbing,trying to "act if"...pretending to be what they are not by nature,education or inclination..it´s a typical "want to sound posh" nouveau riche ATTITUDE..nothing else...so..farewell...you deserve each other,really!


Post 10


What a sad farce of pretend "care&decency"!


Post 11


You really have never seemed so much as though you wished to discuss things as that you wanted to vent your anger.


Post 12

Taff Agent of kaos

the key to ettiquette is respect

the secret of respect is that it is never given, it is earned!

what have you done to earn the respect of others????

smiley - bat

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