This is the Message Centre for aka Bel - A87832164


Post 81


Hi Taff,

Good. Hope it's the same with yousmiley - ok

Jabssmiley - smiley


Post 82

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yup. gerbsäure, the mother of all smiley - hangovers

or so i'm told

mind you, tannin also lends a certain quality to the wine's taste, so if you limit yourself to - say - a few bottles per day things should be okay smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

smiley - pirate


Post 83

aka Bel - A87832164

I have yet to get a smiley - hangover from smiley - teasmiley - spacesmiley - tongueincheek


Post 84

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you just never had enough smiley - tongueout

seriously though, you are (or at least may be) on to something. tannin and alcohol (and/or other substances) may cause smiley - hangover while tannin in itself does not

just to be on the safe side i will stop drinking smiley - tea from now on smiley - tongueincheek

smiley - pirate


Post 85

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

just shows how much I knowsmiley - huhI thought tannin was on sunbedssmiley - erm


Post 86

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - rofl

Silly sod, prof. smiley - smooch


Post 87


Well, I suppose you might find anything on one of those sun beds. (Groans smiley - ill)

Seriously, tannin is what makes tea bitter and brown. It exists in almost all leaves -- which is why water turns brown if lots of leaves stand in it -- and also in wine. Tannins are one reason some wines need to age before drinking. Lots of tannins mean a wine that will mature with more character. Drink it too soon, and it skins your mouth.

But when it comes to headaches, I have several friends who are allergic to the sulfites that you find in almost all wines, and get awful headaches if they drink the wrong ones. There are a few wines with little or no sulfites, so it seems this might be one.


Post 88

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

again: i don't know nothing

but isn't it true that sulfites have to be added by EU-law to preserve the wine?

i was once told that if you drink greek wine in greece you will not necessarily get any sulfites, but if you drink exported greek wine at home you can't avoid it

makes a little sense, i guess

but then it also makes sense to stick to smiley - alesmiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

smiley - pirate


Post 89

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, EU laws. smiley - rolleyes

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