A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society

the most insane person

Post 1


who hoo, i am totally insane katang katang woo woo, meep meep spam, spam ,zving zving woo hoo katang katang toot toot drr drr ha ha moo moo baa baaa oink oink splat splat ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha goo goo plex, spam.who hoo, i am totally insane katang katang woo woo, meep meep spam, spam ,zving zving woo hoo katang katang toot toot drr drr ha ha moo moo baa baaa oink oink splat splat ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha goo goo plex, spam.who hoo, i am totally insane katang katang woo woo, meep meep spam, spam ,zving zving woo hoo katang katang toot toot drr drr ha ha moo moo baa baaa oink oink splat splat ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha goo goo plex, spam.who hoo, i am totally insane katang katang woo woo, meep meep spam, spam ,zving zving woo hoo katang katang toot toot drr drr ha ha moo moo baa baaa oink oink splat splat ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha goo goo plex, spam.who hoo, i am totally insane katang katang woo woo, meep meep spam, spam ,zving zving woo hoo katang katang toot toot drr drr ha ha moo moo baa baaa oink oink splat splat ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha goo goo plex, spam.who hoo, i am totally insane katang katang woo woo, meep meep spam, spam ,zving zving woo hoo katang katang toot toot drr drr ha ha moo moo baa baaa oink oink splat splat ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha goo goo plex, spam.who hoo, i am totally insane katang katang woo woo, meep meep spam, spam ,zving zving woo hoo katang katang toot toot drr drr ha ha moo moo baa baaa oink oink splat splat ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha goo goo plex, spam. did i do that right? am i the most insane ever eh eh (pass the spuds) eh


the most insane person

Post 2

darakat - Now with pockets!

Maybe just a little board.

the most insane person

Post 3

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Merely posting a lot of BS does not make you insane.

the most insane person

Post 4

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Springboard, bread board, cheese board?

The third hopefully.

turvysmiley - blackcatsmiley - xmastreesmiley - run

the most insane person

Post 5

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Oh, yeah!

the most insane person

Post 6


Perhaps the fact that we bothered to reply makes us more insane?

the most insane person

Post 7

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Quite possibly.

the most insane person

Post 8


Ah well, it doesn't matter. I can accept madness. then I have an excuse to use the smiley - weird smiley more...

the most insane person

Post 9

darakat - Now with pockets!

You don't need an excuse to use the smiley - weird smily

the most insane person

Post 10


Are you quite sure? I can just randomly post it?

smiley - weird

(It is one of the few smileys I remember...This is the extent of my memory: smiley - ojsmiley - hugsmiley - runsmiley - cakesmiley - biggrinsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - donutsmiley - weird)

the most insane person

Post 11

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

you don't remember smiley - fish? What about smiley - hsif? and I can't believe that after the struggle we, myself and others, went through, the battles, the sitting around in a toffee lake... and then licking it off each other smiley - bigeyes, that you don't remember the smiley - toffeeapple

smiley - cheers

the most insane person

Post 12

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - erm

the most insane person

Post 13

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Mushroom mushroom!

*slaps TB with a smiley - fish and a <hsif*

the most insane person

Post 14

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]


smiley - hsif

the most insane person

Post 15

darakat - Now with pockets!

looks like we got ourselves a good old fashioned smileoff

the most insane person

Post 16


Dab nab it! You old scramps! This is a smiley - tomato...And a smiley - toffeeapple?
That, I sadly don't remember...smiley - cry

the most insane person

Post 17

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - flan

the most insane person

Post 18


i started something evil

the most insane person

Post 19


i started something evil smiley - evilgrin

the most insane person

Post 20

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Nope. This is not evil.

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