A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Biggest Disappointment


Post 1


What was your biggest disappointment?

Very personally, not being able to have children of my own.

Can you think of a film or book that ended in a way you have felt especially cheated by?

I do think that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows had a rotten ending... i was expecting something a little different in the future then what had been forshadowed in all of the other books. but, hey-ho, it was still a good read.

Is there anything you wanted to achieve in life that you've now given up on?

Being thin. Never gonna happen. Also biological motherhood, as above. Oh, and being rich and on easy street. Being my own boss or MD of something somewhere. I am too comfortable being a wage slave.

Who or what do you think is profoundly overrated?

Being topical... Barack Obama. The guy is being touted as the second coming, but he is just a man. yes he has broken down boundaries. Yes he is remarkable, but he is still just a man, a politician, with a particular axe to grind. He will disappoint someone somewhere, but woe betide the poor geezer when he does!

Do you think that disappointment comes from focussing expectation on specific things instead of concentrating on now?

Interesting. Could be I suppose. For me, my biggest disappointment comes from the fact that I have been diagnosed with a condition that I can do nothing about, and from a desire deep within my soul to be a Mother. And I can't be. At least, biologically. Bugger.

Do we expect too much?

I think there is a part of society who do expect too much, and there are others who don't expect anything at all. For instance, there does seem to be a tendency for young people to think that they start work as the post boy today and will be MD by the end of the week, and they get arsey if they aren't. And then there are those who think that because they are on benefits and their parents have been on benefits that they have no other options other than to be on benefits.


Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

As ever, considered, thoughtful answers. Thank you Crickett smiley - hug


Post 3


What was your biggest disappointment?

I wanted to do something creative with my life. I went to school for radio broadcasting but I couldn’t support myself. I now have a good job (upper management) but something is missing. I feel that disappointment everyday.

Can you think of a film or book that ended in a way you have felt especially cheated by?
The last Indiana Jones film was horrible. Raider’s was the first movie I saw at a theater.
I remember the excitement of sitting in my seat with my popcorn. Harrison Ford looked
old in this last chapter, the story was shaky at best, truly disappointing.

Is there anything you wanted to achieve in life that you've now given up on?

I wanted to be a song writer. I feel like the creative side of my brain is rotting away because of the demands of my job. Such is life!

Who or what do you think is profoundly overrated?

I think that the media is overrated. Everything is slanted this way or that way.

We tolerate the media treating us like lemmings. I saw a local news piece on tips for surviving a snow storm. I live in the north east US!!!!! What’s next? “Scientists discover inhaling before exhaling is the best way to stay healthy!!”

Do you think that disappointment comes from focusing expectation on specific things instead of concentrating on now?

I think disappointment comes from not be able to blame other people or life in general for ones own shortcomings. I wanted to be a song writer but I am not. I have no one to blame but myself. I would love to blame other people but I can not. That is very disappointing.

Do we expect too much?

Yes. We should only expect as much as we are willing to put into something. There are three types of people in this world. The glass is half full, the glass is half empty, and who the hell stole my glass of water. I had only taken a sip and went to use the restroom…..
I guess I am the third.
smiley - erm


Post 4


Education. I went through higher ed. to get qualifications that I have never used. I added more qualifications for nearly every job I have done. But the next employer was never interested in qualifications I already held.
I continue to learn because there is just so much fascinating stuff out there to be discovered. But I am seriously disillusioned with all the hot (and sulphurous) air that has been blown my way about the value of qualifications.

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