A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Biggest Disappointment

TV Series

Post 1


Television in the US usually has a finale in the spring.
We are accustyomed to hearing that such and such date will be the final episode of a series and it will not bve returning in the fall.
this implies there will not be a cliff-hanger but long-standing plot points will be resolved.
The Most disapointing TV finale I have seen happened in 1994 when the Star-Trek series 'Next Generation' ended.
I expected to hear what the major characters would do in the future -
(example in MASH klinger would return to Toledo, Ohio).
What Picard, or Troi or Data would do was left unsaid.
Instead it was a time traveling sequence where Picard had to save the Universe smiley - groan.
It wass left to future big screen movies to resolve the problems the series didn't.

TV Series

Post 2


I remember the episode. Picard sits down to play cards with the officers and says, "I should have done this a long time ago." Bit of a let-down, that.

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