A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Biggest Disappointment

40 years and I'm not happy !!!

Post 1


40 years it took and I'm still not convinced.

Smash the windows and drain the fuel tank ? Is that the best they can do after 40 years of research ? and besides, I thought they were in Italy not L*******l.

If someone had offered the formula (2x3)squared + (2x3) as an answer it might have made more sense and anyway - I'm no spotter but were the fuel tanks in coaches of that vintage at the back ? ! ? ! If not - ooops - bye bye one and gold and all.

40 years and I'm not happy !!!

Post 2

The Groob

I agree. I didn't see anything suggested in the winner that hadn't already been suggested in the comments at the bottom of various news reports on the net.

I was expecting something that would blow me away or something that was so ingeniously simple I'd be kicking myself for not thinking of it.

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40 years and I'm not happy !!!

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