A Conversation for Colchester, Essex, England

a colchestrian's opinion

Post 1

Daniel Allington

I lived in Colchester (or Colly, as some other locals nauseatingly insist on calling it) for the first nineteen years of my life, and I have to say you've done an excellent job on the miserable place. I too bought pints in the Marquis as a virtual sprog, and smoked ultra-low-quality marijuana near the Arts' Centre... and, my God, I'm ashamed to tell the tale. If it hadn't been for your article, I might never have confessed. You might also have mentioned the dismal story of Colchester's endless attempts to produce a half-decent local band since Blur.

a colchestrian's opinion

Post 2


I must admit I've never heard it called Colly, and I completely forgot about Stanway School's only achievement ever, Damon Albarn. I think I shall have to update it smiley - smiley

But thanks for your message. Nice to know someone read it.

a colchestrian's opinion

Post 3

Daniel Allington

The name 'Colly' became current on the local music 'scene' a few years ago -- maybe it's thankfully dropped out of common usage. On the subject of local musicians, I have an idea that JK (or whatever he's called) from Jamiroquai came from Ardleigh, which is almost Colchester. Perhaps there will be space one day for a separate guide entry on local bands whose names cropped up on photocopied Oliver Twist fliers a few times and then disappeared forever -- potentially quite a large guide entry.

Incidentally, I found your article in some sort of writing workshop -- why don't you put it up for peer review? Your style seems fine to me, informative and entertaining, and I don't think anybody's going to be able to suggest any real improvements to it.

a colchestrian's opinion

Post 4

Researcher 236872

Daniel--I don't know how old you are, but I would like to find someone who lived in Colchester at the end of the '60s to answer some questions for something I'm writing. Can you or someone you know help?

a colchestrian's opinion

Post 5


Sorry ... I'm a few years too young for that. However, as my family's still there, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone to answer your question. Let me know what the question is, and I'll see what i can do.

a colchestrian's opinion

Post 6

Researcher 236872

Daniel--I'd like to know if there was a park, perhaps nicely landscaped, in Colchester in '69 and what species of flowers could one find in that area? The name of a park would be helpful, too.

Thanks so much,

a colchestrian's opinion

Post 7

E G Mel

You'd be wanting Colchester Castle Park then.

As for flowers, I think there have always been Roses and bedding plants but more than that I can't say it's before my time.

There's some contact details here

Someone at the castle might be able to give you more details.

Mel smiley - hsif

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