About Sanx


My name's Sanx and I'm currently a resident of Herne Bay - a small coastal suburb of Auckland, New Zealand. I'm British by birth, but seeing as I dislike most things about the UK and about my home town in particular, moving 13,000 miles away has always struck me as a rather good idea.

Things to like about New Zealand

Cheap cars. Cheap fuel. Owning a 400bhp beast that does a whole 12 miles to each gallon of Super would not be practical in the UK. I'd go bankrupt in a week. Three litres of twin-turbocharged lightning.

The countryside. New Zealand has one thing in abundance - beautiful stunning scenery. Sub-tropical rainforests in the north, wonderful beaches, breathtaking mountain ranges and glaciers in the south. There's something for everyone. Where else can you go skiing in the morning, and by mid-afternoon, be surfing?

The lifestyle. New Zealanders love the outdoors. I've rediscovered the simple pleasures of walking on a beach and paddling in rock-pools. No matter where you go, there's always somewhere to see and something to do - and when you've finished, there's always a cafe nearby to enjoy a decent cup of coffee (no instant rubbish here).

Anyway, enjoy my guide entry, and take care.


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