A Conversation for Colchester, Essex, England

Peer Review: A1030438 - Colchester, Essex, England

Post 1


Entry: Colchester, Essex, England - A1030438
Author: Sanx - U183345

OK, the libellious section has been removed, and a little bit about Colchester zoo added. Hope this is OK.

A1030438 - Colchester, Essex, England

Post 2


Hey Sanx,

Thanks for this - the entry is currently going through the editorial process (with those edits that have been mentioned).

It's for this reason that I am removing it from PR as we don't want duplicates going through the hoops!

You can expect to see this on the Front Page in the near future.

Ashley smiley - cheers

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Peer Review: A1030438 - Colchester, Essex, England

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