A Conversation for Colchester, Essex, England

Peer Review: A1030438 - Colchester, Essex, England

Post 1


Entry: Colchester, Essex, England - A1030438
Author: Sanx - U183345

I think this is about done. I did have a couple of people comment and I took their remarks onboard and updated it as much as I thought necessary.

It isn't complimentary ... but then it's hard to find nice things to say about Colchester.

A1030438 - Colchester, Essex, England

Post 2


Definitely not complimentry but hey, I can't think of anything nice to say about the town I live in (Yeovil), my home town on the other hand (Nottingham)....

Anyways nice work smiley - ok

One typo:
"The town's important grew in the late Tudor times with the growing trade in wool and weaving"

Should read

"The town's importance grew in the late Tudor times with the growing trade in wool and weaving"

smiley - cheers Pongo

A1030438 - Colchester, Essex, England

Post 3

Number Six

I like this Entry a lot... well done!

I remember a quick interview with Blur in their very early days (when they were still from Colchester and Damon hadn't decided to capitalise on his East London roots) and among the questions was something like Name 10 Great Things (or maybe the 10 Best Things) about Colchester. Their response? 10 pints of Abbot Ale...

If you like, you could put in a link to A737633 Blur - the Band, and maybe as you mention Essex University, you could turn that into a link to http://www.essex.ac.uk/?

But a sub-editor would be equally capable of doing those things...

smiley - mod

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Post 5



smiley - cheers Pongo

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 6


Cheers dude smiley - smiley

Just made a few changes which, on re-reading it, made it sound a little better. Also took the advice offered and added a couple of links in for good measure.

The girlfriend (who has never been to the UK, let alone seen Colchester) says that, after reading the entry, she has absolutely no intention of ever going there, and is seriously considering dating someone who grew up in the place. Oh well smiley - winkeye

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 7

Number Six

smiley - laugh

Well done anyway...

smiley - cheers

smiley - mod

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