A Conversation for What's your favourite episode of Blackadder?
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best baldrick moment
Tongariro Posted Apr 20, 2005
I think that the 'hot orangey thing' is the very best Baldrick moment, but special mention has to be given to the moment in 'Duel & Duality' when he says his mother told him to stand up to homicidal maniacs...
Baldrick : My mother told me to stand up to homicidal maniacs.
Blackadder : Yes. If this is the same mother who confidently claimed that you were a tall handsome stallion of a man, I should treat her opinions with extreme caution.
Baldrick : I love my mum.
Blackadder : And I love chops and sauce but I don't seek their advice.
The look of smug pride on his pimply wee face as Mr B says 'tall, handsome stallion of a man' has me in kinks every time.
The BEST Baldrick moment...
Cheerikiara Posted Apr 28, 2005
Funniest Baldrick line I ever saw was (I think it was in Amy and Amiability) when Blackadder was talking about how he was going to become rich and then he would get lots of concubines to share his bed with and Baldrick says, Baldrick: Won't that be rather prickly?
Blackadder: Concubines Baldrick - not porcupines...
best baldrick moment
cunning_as_a_fox Posted Apr 30, 2005
i agree that the best baldrick moment ever is definatly in ink and incapability! it is a classic moment in comedy let alone just in blackadder......
"right, let's get the book. Baldrick, where's the manuscript?"
"you mean the big papery thing tied up with string?"
"yes, Baldrick, the manuscript belonging to Dr Johnson"
"you mean the batey fellow in the black coat who just left?"
"yes, Baldrick, Dr Johnson"
"so you're asking where the papery thing tied up with string belonging to the batey fellow in the black caot is?"
"yes, Baldrick, i am. and if i do not shortly have an answer, the booted boney thing with five toes on the end of my leg will soon connect sharply with the soft dangly collection of objects in your trousers. for the last time, Baldrick, where is Dr Johnson's dictionary?"
"on the fire"
"on the what?"
"the hot orangey thing under the stoney mantelpiecy thing"
'tis hilarious.
best baldrick moment
jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?) Posted May 12, 2005
or alternatively anything preceded by 'I . . . have a cunning plan.'
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best baldrick moment
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