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Post 201

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hey Chopsycow - you talking 'bout me?

I have you know I look at the pictures in the Daily Mail AND read the big print. My other half reads me The Indepentant - and I get the best of both worlds! smiley - biggrin

Back to girlie stuff

Post 202


Hot tips for lazy, greedy gardeners.

Do <0 for whole year. Then, hire an industrial digger. Dig up garden with all plants, weeds etc. and dontate to local community compost heap (ecology).

Sell remaining plot to local property developers for £££££lots, remembering to retain "access strip" 6" wide so they can't actually do anything with it!

HTH smiley - smiley


Post 203

The Magster

Shall we start a new BB thread here? Or maybe just a chit chat thread and allow boys? What says Hazel?

Weekend: Oh no, good weather therefore pool now out and ready to fill first thing tomorrow morning, should be full by about 3pm smiley - smiley BBQ late afternoon. Have been to butchers and am now retiring to kitchen to prepare marinades for meat. Lots of wine chilling in booze fridge. Lazy weekend forecast apart from refilling of water blaster in order to shoo neighbours cats away smiley - winkeye. Tan will be well done by Monday. Oh happy days smiley - biggrin


Post 204

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Magster! You have seperate booze fridge! This is height of sophistication - and you've been to the butchers too - and will have tan by Monday - Mr. Magster is V lucky man!


Post 205


Hi Magster, CG

we can do what we want here of course - but won't the same thing happen?

BTW Magster - did you get Petunia's msg?


Post 206

The Magster

Evening CG and Hazel smiley - smiley

CG, yes we have a seperate booze fridge in the utility. Only by accident though. When we moved in here our (new only just bought) fridge wouldn't fit in the space for it and there was nowhere else at the time, so we bought a new fridge and then when the utility was built, we had two. It's a very good idea smiley - biggrin especially when you drink as much white wine as I do.

Hazel, sadly you may be right but let us hope not and once again my apologies for inflaming the situation smiley - sorry As to Pet, no message received. Actually I feel really bad about getting in touch with her because it makes me feel like a big bully smiley - sadface

Anyway Hazel, Sissy is to be evicted shortly. I cannot understand why Wee Willie Fed wasn't. He is a boor, chauvinist etc etc. You should have heard what he said about the girls in Newcastle. Not nice.


Post 207


Enjoy the (inferior fake) BB Magster!

I probably don't understand all the nuances of the situtaion on "is this...." but - whatever you did, or didn't do - you were certainly under a huge amount of provocation and we all know what would have been the easiest solution. Actually I am kicking myself because I had wanted to do something earlier which may have worked because it was before anything awful got posted. smiley - wah

I have posted to Petunia on her space.

Anyway - see you later smiley - smiley


Post 208

The Magster

Hazel, the other BB eviction was worth watching tonight just to see poor Sissy's face when she realised it was the girls that were out to get her! I have been shouting at the TV all week trying to tell Sissy but she didn't hear me. When you have watched BB in the past Hazel, have you ever thought as to how some of the contestants got through the psychiatrists interview? Well Sissy is one of those people, it is as plain as the nose on her face that she has "issues" and being in BB has not helped. I wish her well.

Back in our BB house, well I have sort of dried up at the moment, it's the bad karma thing I think. Once I am all peaceful and calm inside again, I am hoping that the creative juices (ha ha ha) will flow once again. smiley - biggrin


Post 209


Magster - I think the psych. interviews were probably designed to SELECT people likely to crack up in the house - for the entertainment value, of course. smiley - smiley Which is obviously cruel (except when it's done to Vanessa Feltz, of course)

I do hope you regain your normal equanimity soon smiley - smiley


Post 210


I agree with you there Magster-your right i was wondering the same BB should be binned anyway i think people go in it just to get noticed do you...looking at the latest contestants i think they all should be put out to pasture what do you think Magster.smiley - spider

Doug Deep

Post 211

Peedo Dug

Warning to all people exchanging e-mail with Doug Deep
This person is extremely dangerous. Doug will exchange mail with you and after sucking you in to gain your respect and trust the antics will start.
I therefore intend to tell people what he is really like. If just one person takes my advice and keeps clear of him it will be worth it. People need to know what a dangerous and vile person he really is. To do this they only need to research his past posts.


Doug Deep

Post 212


oah Good Morning Peedo, me owld mate what a great morning this is we had a drop of rain lastnight but its clearing up a bit...see you later babes talke care owld Dougssmiley - fullmoon

Doug Deep

Post 213

Peedo Dug

Why don't you go away Doug? You aren't wanted on this thread. Leave the kids to play by themselves. You can't blame people for not wanting to talk to you. Be a good chap, change your name and come back on as a decent person.

Doug Deep

Post 214


Hi Peedo-Me owld mate it looks as to your following me about i think thats good because i'm starting to like you too.but dont tell anybody will you me owld china..anyway i cant stop but i promise i will be back to see you take care my littlesmiley - cupcake

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