This is the Message Centre for wysiwyger

Girly chitchat

Post 141

The Magster

2 month old pants?

Girly chitchat

Post 142


Come again Ali?

Girly chitchat

Post 143

Ali Dubya

Well, for a start, girlies look different and talk differently to blokes. Girlies aren't as good at cricket as blokes. In fact, some girlies don't even understand or appreciate cricket, which I find staggering.

Er, that's it.

Girly chitchat

Post 144

The Magster

Hazel, what do you find sticks to the carpet best. Food is pretty good and kiddie sick is even better.

Girly chitchat

Post 145

Ali Dubya

I can say with utter confidence that I have never worn a pair of pants for that long. Actually, I'm quite hygienic: I change my socks every week!

Girly chitchat

Post 146

Ali Dubya


Girly chitchat

Post 147

The Magster

Ali, I resent the cricket remark, take a slap young man...I am a former accredited umpire for the first division surrey slazanger league...probably called something different now. Cricket is a lovely game when the weather is sunny. Get a lot of chaps on your lips though when its windy smiley - biggrin

Girly chitchat

Post 148


Candle wax makes a really lovely mess. Also if you ever happen to have got a bit creative and tried to make something involving glue and glitter then that works really well. Not that I ever have, of course.

Girly chitchat

Post 149

Ali Dubya

Aha! I remember you saying! I used to play in the Surrey leagues and I can't recall you. That said, if you had given me LBW, I would have remembered you. Oh yes.

We have a lady umpire, as it happens.

Girly chitchat

Post 150

The Magster

Hmmm, candle wax, terrible on the bed sheets too smiley - winkeye

Girly chitchat

Post 151

The Magster

Ali, who did/do you play for....I got into it all through a loose association with SWACC

Girly chitchat

Post 152

Ali Dubya

You see, that's another girlie trait: the ability to make things out of stuff. I mean, no bloke would ever think of trying to make something out of glitter or glue (nor would you, Hazel, of course) but girlies could probably make a nice hat out of material like that.

Girly chitchat

Post 153

Ali Dubya

Churt. Surrey Div 1 (just below the Championship).

Girly chitchat

Post 154


You could be right Ali. Blokes do like to take things to bits, rather than making them. Then they just lie around for ages doing a good job of making some more mess on the carpet. (The bits, I mean, not the bloke. Although, come to think of it....)

Girly chitchat

Post 155

The Magster

I can't say I ever went over there Alistair. If you had met me, you would have remembered me...I am unforgettable smiley - biggrin I think you were perhaps too young being a mere lad, my time there was mid to late 80's.

Girly chitchat

Post 156

The Magster

I shall bid you goodnight Hazel. I'm off down the garden for a ciggie and I may not be back..

Girly chitchat

Post 157

Pat Pending

Morning all: shall we make this the morning check-in point for a couple of days?

Hot, corn-on-the-cob, brie.

W**k: pah!

Girly chitchat

Post 158

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,

No, I'm not thinning - I have strand upon strand of long girly locks, Magster!

As mentioned previously, kiddy snot seems a bit tricky to get off of anything, especially carpets.

I may be very fractious for a while - I'm about to try to give up smoking! I have the 2nd doctor's appointment tonight and will be starting with the patches very soon. smiley - wah

Girly chitchat

Post 159

Ali Dubya

Sorry for the abrupt departure last night. My head exploded so I had to go to bed.

Churt is known as the 'dust bowl' because, well, it's dusty and the square is set in a bowl. It's a gorgeous ground. Very Surrey.

I'll get me pads.

Girly chitchat

Post 160

Ali Dubya

For a bloke I am incredibly impractical. I struggle to change a flat tyre on a car.

Morning all. Are all the blokes honorary girlies today?

In brief: hot, sunny, 18 Celsius with a gentle, warm westerly breeze lightly brushing the erogenous zones of the rolling Hampshire countryside/rosemary/John Kettley/no cereal.

Today's message is: "It's like rain on your wedding day."

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