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Is this the new 'is this'?

Post 181

The Magster

Good morning Pat and Peter smiley - smiley Weather is gorgeous but I'm washing me vest because apparently I will need it again at the weekend. Todays nose is a snotty one, cereal is cheerio's and vegetable a jerusalem artichoke. I'm off to enjoy the sunshine now but do keep me informed of your antics...I love a smile with my glass of wine in the evening smiley - biggrin I bid you a good and profitable day.

Is this the new 'is this'?

Post 182


hello Clouds hello Sky,

have read through yesterdays posts and decided to ignore it all. I assume it was a sort of self-invasion.

ANYWAY - the really important Q. is - why can't I see MC-H or QQ? The whole screen is just white! What's going on - eh? Eh???

Is this the new 'is this'?

Post 183

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' Hazel,

It was a spontaneous spat, and we're all better today!

Has MC-H had the decorators in? It's not even called Mornington Crescent - Hurrah! any more, just Mornington Crescent! It looks awful!

Is this the new 'is this'?

Post 184


Hello Hazel smiley - love

I see that JR has suggested clicking on the "text only" button at the top left of the screen if you are having trouble with the off-white on white screen. I was getting a headache from the new design and found this alternative a great improvement.

Yes - just ignore those silly boys. I think they're just getting bored. You know what kids are like when the holidays are near!

smiley - cheers

Is this the new 'is this'?

Post 185


Hazel, I love you too ... smiley - love

Is this the new 'is this'?

Post 186


Glad everyone is feeling better today!

I could see MC-H on Tuesday, in it's new format, but today alI get is the headers and banners, no discussion list, no latest msgs. Have just tried text only and can see msgs. but the font is huge and it's all very unwieldy. Oh well. It went wrong by itself, maybe it will go right by itself (must be feeling optimistic today!)

Is this the new 'is this'?

Post 187

Ali Dubya


We were, ahem, just letting off a bit of steam yesterday. H2G2 can be a frenetic and pressurised environment to work in, and consequently some of us found the stress of 'Is this' a little overwhelming.

In these circumstances it is better to have your say and get it out your system because your relationship will be the stronger for it.

Back to girlie stuff

Post 188

The Magster

Evening girlies. Just thought I would wish you all a good time at easter....not my favourite time of the year because I don't like chocolate smiley - weirdsmiley - yikes
Thanks for the birthday greetings you have any handy tips about evading the ever increasing and invasive wrinkles and grey hair?
Peace and smiley - love to all smiley - biggrin

Back to girlie stuff

Post 189


Hi Magster, I like some chocolate - marzipan mostly. Wrinkles and grey hair? Suggest not looking in the mirror in a bright light and hairdye smiley - smiley.

Or, you could put some strawberry jam on your face, go to the park and a load of bees will come and sting you and it will work like a series of Botox injections. Probably.

Back to girlie stuff

Post 190

The Magster

Hazel, I knew I could rely on you. Fantastic idea for the botox, and bees are natural too. You should market that idea, you would make pots of money because those vain, vain hollywood types would just love it. To be honest, I'm not that concerned...I've had grey hairs since I was 14, I just have a lot more now smiley - biggrin

Back to girlie stuff

Post 191


Grey hairs since you were 14????!!! What's all that about? Mine are disguised !

Back to girlie stuff

Post 192


Interesting point about bright light...what's a suitable colour for a bathroom? I age about 6 years when I look in my bathroom mirrorsmiley - wah... my hall is dark green and I'd pass for late 20s in that mirror, but don't fancy green bathroom...oh the stress smiley - ale

Back to girlie stuff

Post 193

The Magster

I pass for early 20's in the bedroom with the lights off smiley - winkeye

As for using a colour on my hair, well, I admit to having done it once or twice but I really cannot be ar*ed with all that. It takes me six months to pluck up the courage to go to the hairdressers let alone sit in there for more than 15 minutes. Dreadful places.

Back to girlie stuff

Post 194


"Dreadful places"???? Of course not! As you can imagine I stir the whole place up when I visit...god they love me! All that make-up and hairspray YUKYUKYUK!!! ...why I am I in "girly chat"?smiley - ermsmiley - run

Back to girlie stuff

Post 195


P.S. email is [email protected] (how apt I hear you say!)

Back to girlie stuff

Post 196


Hi LLB, Magster, anybody else,

What has happened to the weather? I have spent the last 3 days happily dossing around in the sun, laughing at all the people who paid a fortune to fly away somewhere colder - now I am sitting inside with the heating back on smiley - brr

Back to girlie stuff

Post 197

The Magster

I think it is called a bank holiday Hazel. If Easter had been earlier we would still have been enjoying the sun. I like you have been enjoying it. Still, look on the bright side, it's coming back around Tuesday smiley - biggrin and when the sun is not happy we spend more time on the boards smiley - winkeye

Back to girlie stuff

Post 198

The Magster

chopsycow That's it from now on on this board I shall refer to you as the chopsycow smiley - biggrin

Back to girlie stuff

Post 199


Worry not...our audi-driving wannabe socialist chums will besmiley - wahsmiley - wah come Tuesday...working (not) whilst I sun myself smiley - biggrin

Back to girlie stuff

Post 200


Just for you..smiley - cool

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