This is the Message Centre for SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 1

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

By some weird fluke I've amanged to get my

[email protected]

e-mail address back online...

I went to go into ImitationOfLife address and hit okay twice whilst entering my password in... and it let me into ALL of my Serj address e-mails...

Infact... I came on h2g2 just now through my Serj address...

So... Kyle... you think you did something to it... yeah... keep dreaming...

And I didn't get the "chance" to see the post you put into my other journal and I know it was from you... so you better hope I don't see it...

Serjsmiley - devil

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 2

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

It's still sort of playing up... but it'll be sorted soon methinks...

Serjsmiley - devil

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 3

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Are you ignoring me marc??

if you ever wanna chat email me on [email protected]

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 4


That`s good news mate..

I have done away with my music quiz now and trying something a wee bit different...

A very ACE bit now

If some one is leaveing thos messages for you alert me or another ACE and we will deal with it

Dont take matters into you`r own hand`s you have just got off pre mod
If it`s bad who ever is sending them could well be the next one on pr mod

Save`s you been on it again don`t

just some advise it is totaly up to you at the end of the day i am only tring to advise for the better way to go about it

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 5

AngelicWitch (ACE)


How are you doing?? I am great smiley - ta!!!
Just kinda feeling odd about Marc Vivien Foe dying which was pretty
odd because he was so young being in his 20's when he had a heartache is just really odd! What do you think about it??

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 6


Hello i am goog thankyou
glad you are feeling well

hhummm well you know the fact is that some one i know down at the gym could easaly have a heart attack even like me who go 3 times a week could

Very sad loss tho

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 7

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Very true!! there is a page on here called 'god', but its not working can u tell me why plz n smiley - ta

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 8


what message is it giveing out

Box could not have enough memory
not accesible by box
down for a bit again

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 9


Ha ha i i didnt do jack,oh btw there is only so much i can say about that post which i aint goona cause some dozey so and so got it hidden and ive been put on pre mod.

oh btw how is ur grandad he on his last leg yet

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 10


Hi Serj hunni smiley - hug how are you today??

Andrea awww sweetie! RoAr WaLLy GaNg!!!! WoOoHOoOo LoL

Intern smiley - hug hi there

pathetic and sisters more mature and shes 8

LoZ smiley - elf

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 11

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

AngelicWitch... no I'm not ignoring you hun, soz if you thought that...

I've been all over the place as of late... howz you??...

Intern... cheers man, if you or anyone else wants to sort owt out lol feel free... I just ignore the fool... and I see that he's been put on pre-mod too lol...

Loz... hi hun I'm fine... just busy all over like I said to AngelicWitch... not had much time on here lately... howz you??...

Kyle... if you want to be on your last leg I'd happily have that arranged...

Serjsmiley - devil

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 12

AngelicWitch (ACE)

I am very well thankyou and yourself, how is your Grandad??

smiley - angelANDREAsmiley - witch

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 13

AngelicWitch (ACE)



My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 14

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Hi Andrea... I'm fine too thanks...

My Grandad's stable at the moment... it's just a case of keeping him rested and out of reach of bugs (illnesses not the creepies lol)

The Wally Gang???...

Serjsmiley - devil

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 15

AngelicWitch (ACE)

smiley - hug HOPE YOUR GRANDAD GETS BETTER SOON! smiley - hug


My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 16

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Soz about disappearing like that...

I'm in college and had soe work to do...

Oh... the wally gang, lol...

See ya soon... gotta keep up with the work...

Serjsmiley - devil

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 17

AngelicWitch (ACE)

btw do you have to be so nasty?

leave serj alone

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 18

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Have fun with the College work smiley - biggrin message me back when you have finished at college, you have my email address so please feel free to email me anytime you
wish! Goodbye Serj smiley - devil

Take Care and Have Fun

Andrea smiley - angelsmiley - witch
smiley - love nsmiley - hug


Post 19

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

This post has been removed.

My [email protected] e-mail address is back online.... YAY!

Post 20



smiley - okMate i will keep my eys on you`r page if i miss any just let me know i will have a look to see
how it may fly in pre mod..

You want to chat drop by any time
smiley - ok

Hello every one *waves*

Angel witch

Hope today find`s every one well??

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