This is the Message Centre for SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Fluffy animals

Post 81


Was it why was it trumatic

oo good morning as well/afternoon

Fluffy animals

Post 82

AngelicWitch (ACE)

if that message was for me....because most of the smiley - dog there had rabbies and i had to watch them get killed or die naturally with the disease killing

good afternoon onthe 2nd july 2003
on wednesday at 13:06pm! *WAVES* hello

Fluffy animals

Post 83


Awww right smiley - sorry it was for you i forgot to put your name on smiley - doh

You know they have doh in the deictionary now smiley - biggrin i have more useless info than you can shake a stick at smiley - smiley

Fluffy animals

Post 84

AngelicWitch (ACE)

very interesting information intern smiley - erm lolx what have you or
are you upto today?

smiley - angelANDREAsmiley - witch

Fluffy animals

Post 85


body buiding this morn chilling now tho

I have to nip out but i will b back soon

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