This is the Message Centre for SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)


Post 61

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hello Intern smiley - biggrin

I am great smiley - tasmiley - hug, have you been upto anything good today? I have been chilling LoLx

Hiya Fay smiley - biggrin

How are you now? I'm good! Have you been upto anything??

Ciao LoZ smiley - tongueoutsmiley - smiley

Hey hows you? I'm good as you should have guessed, what have you
been upto? Is the Wally Gang still going strong? LoLx smiley - hug


What is the point of sending message's when you just are a smiley - clown and a nasty piece of work?
Leave everyone alone!

smiley - lovesmiley - hugsmiley - kiss to Intern, LoZ and FaY xxx

smiley - angelANDREAsmiley - witch


Post 62

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi everybody! How's things?
Anyone fancy a smiley - redwine?

I have tons of work to do but decided to open a bottle of wine instead and relax, burn some incense and just chill.



Post 63

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hello Mort,

How are you this evening? I am great at the moment!! Yes please, I wouldn't mind a glass of please and thankyou!! Here is my glass smiley - empty


Post 64


That sounds a good idea


Post 65

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I am fine thanks! I might need to open another bottle thought smiley - winkeye but no probs!!

Watching a program on bladder surgery smiley - yikes

*offers smiley - redwine*

Got my little smiley - blackcat sitting behind me on the back of the sofa purring away! Got a twix in the freezer (i know weird but i like them frozen smiley - laugh) so all is well in the world smiley - biggrin


Post 66


smiley - cool bladder surgery

any of the smiley - redwine left please


Post 67

AngelicWitch (ACE)

smiley - cool....pass me a bottle of smiley - redwine please please please lolx

smiley - cuddle

Intern, hello hows you? want a drink of smiley - redwine or smiley - bubbly


Post 68

AngelicWitch (ACE)

smiley - cool....pass me a bottle of smiley - redwine please please please lolx

smiley - cuddle

Intern, hello hows you? want a drink of smiley - redwine or smiley - bubbly


Post 69

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi intern, sorry i didnt see you there!!

Absolutley - got another two bottles in the fridge - except it is white wine not smiley - redwine - we need a smiley LOL

It is ok - the bladder surgery has finished so I am watching The West Wing now! Its cos i am a smiley - nurse - i love to watch medical programmes!!

How has your day been? Mine has been - interesting smiley - laugh
Havent done b*gger all!!


Post 70

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hi Mort,

How long have you been a smiley - nurse for? I have been chilling out all day today which has been really boring! LOLX


Post 71


Helloo ahhh every one

me whent to the gym this morning put my self through agoniseing tourcher smiley - biggrin

chilled out rest of the day came on here a bit

re strung my guitar strings came back on here

All in all a lazy daysmiley - biggrin


Post 72

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hey Intern,

Are you still doing that Quiz thing? smiley - smiley

Fluffy animals

Post 73

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I am actually a smiley - dogsmiley - catsmiley - bunnysmiley - titsmiley - fishsmiley - nurse - a veterinary nurse. I have been doing it for 15 years!!

And only been bitten a few times!
Great job but very upsetting at times.

My speciality is animal dentistry, nutrition and anaesthesia.
Actually i am great at everything! smiley - winkeye

Got 2 cats of my own too.

My world is full of beasties LOL

Fluffy animals

Post 74


Angel witch....

Yeh its not the music one any more tho its more gen knolige type thing lol


smiley - cool bet you have been biten a few times thats why i couldnt do a vets job rottwiler chewing lumps out my arm

Fluffy animals

Post 75

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

LOL believe me i have bitten a few back smiley - winkeye

Fluffy animals

Post 76


Shades of ozzy ozbornsmiley - biggrin

Good on you you must love the job to be doing it for so long

Fluffy animals

Post 77

AngelicWitch (ACE)

smiley - cool, do you enjoy your job as a
smiley - nurse LoLx

Fluffy animals

Post 78

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

yeah it can be sad but it is also good too! Get to spend time with furry things and do lots of medical stuff too. Pay is rubbish and the hours are long but it beats sitting in an office!

Not keen on birds though but i am now ok with anything bigger than a cockatiel. Parrots are fantastic and so intelligent!

cant stand hamsters either - they bite too much!!

Fluffy animals

Post 79


You would love our rabbit then

It fallows you around for a bit then runs around aimlessly for 10 minuets
And talk about noisey he gets in every where includeing the garage

Help my uncle fix our washing mashin other week he had his head
in and so did the rabbit smiley - biggrin

Fluffy animals

Post 80

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hi again and goodmorning!!

When I was at school, I went to a Cat and Dog Kennels for my work experience..which was a bit trumatic lolx

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