A Conversation for Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases - (UG)
Alternative Writing Workshop: A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
a girl called Ben Started conversation Mar 4, 2003
Entry: Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases - A986934
Author: a girl called Ben - Minesweeping AWW for gems for the Underguide - U148580
I liked RingoZingo's definitions of words, and am putting them into AWW as a single entry, because I think they are more suitable for the UG in this format. RingoZingo's U-Space is here:
What do other Miners think?
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
RingoZingo Posted Mar 17, 2003
Ahoy! Hey Thar mateie, Thanks for formating those definitions like that and giving new life to them!More enteries to come.
=Ringo Zingo=
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
RingoZingo Posted Mar 17, 2003
Ahoy! Hey Thar mateie, Thanks for formating those definitions like that and giving new life to them!More enteries to come.
=Ringo Zingo=
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
J Posted Mar 17, 2003
For what it's worth, I also thought the words cold and bathroom should be verbs. Colding and bathrooming. I realize that this doesn't matter, but it's my birthday and I'll do what I damn well please.
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
a girl called Ben Posted Mar 17, 2003
Good to see you back RingoZingo!
If you want to put the entry in under your own name - and I do suggest you do, then you can copy the GML really easily by using the link http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/test986934.
Happy birthdaying Jodan!
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
J Posted Mar 17, 2003
No thanks.
By the way, it was my birthday yesterday technically, but I'm extending it because my mom had me late in the day.
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
a girl called Ben Posted Jul 1, 2003
Ok, this is rather complicated. The entry that this thread relates to was based on the following entries by Ringo Zingo.
I am therefore suggesting that the following be removed from the AWW.
A807400 Jarvonting through the Hixx
A807833 Bazinko
A807437 Haggle my Jaggel
A807248 Ringozingo
A810415 Snarfing Spewdge
A807509 Frantic Fit
If anyone else agrees that the short entries should be removed, then please second the suggestion here, and we can post the list to Anna's page.
I suggest that this entry which combines them stays in the forum.
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
a girl called Ben Posted Jul 1, 2003
Ok, this is rather complicated. The entry that this thread relates to was based on the following entries by Ringo Zingo.
I am therefore suggesting that the following be removed from the AWW.
A807400 Jarvonting through the Hixx
A807833 Bazinko
A807437 Haggle my Jaggel
A807248 Ringozingo
A810415 Snarfing Spewdge
A807509 Frantic Fit
If anyone else agrees that the short entries should be removed, then please second the suggestion here, and we can post the list to Anna's page.
I suggest that this entry which combines them stays in the forum.
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
a girl called Ben Posted Jul 1, 2003
Looks like I seconded myself there, then!
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
Mrs Zen Posted Feb 1, 2004
(PS did the other entries get removed in the end, or not?)
A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
Mrs Zen Posted Feb 1, 2004
Looks like the dumb woman removed *this* one but probably not the others.
I liked Anna, but she wasn't always at her sharpest at work, was she?
So good, we started snarfing spewdge!
UnderGuide Editors Posted Feb 17, 2004
Congratulations! Your piece has been picked from the Alternative Writing Workshop (AWW) by our miners and has been accepted by the editors for inclusion in the H2G2 UnderGuide! It will be featured on H2G2's front page in due course and then be displayed on the shelves of the UnderGuide.
More information on the UnderGuide can be found at A1103329. And to check what happens next go to 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at A1096544. A helpful friendly Gem Polisher will be dropping by your personal space soon to talk to you about the next stage of the process. Eventually, your entry will be included in the UnderGuide Archives at <./>C1233</.>.
Thank you for contributing to the UnderGuide!
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Alternative Writing Workshop: A986934 - Ringo Zingo and other cool phrases
- 1: a girl called Ben (Mar 4, 2003)
- 2: J (Mar 4, 2003)
- 3: RingoZingo (Mar 17, 2003)
- 4: RingoZingo (Mar 17, 2003)
- 5: J (Mar 17, 2003)
- 6: a girl called Ben (Mar 17, 2003)
- 7: J (Mar 17, 2003)
- 8: a girl called Ben (Jul 1, 2003)
- 9: a girl called Ben (Jul 1, 2003)
- 10: a girl called Ben (Jul 1, 2003)
- 11: J (Jul 1, 2003)
- 12: a girl called Ben (Jul 2, 2003)
- 13: Mrs Zen (Feb 1, 2004)
- 14: Mrs Zen (Feb 1, 2004)
- 15: UnderGuide Editors (Feb 17, 2004)
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