This is the Message Centre for Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

In search of spicato...

Post 21

Renee6612 - resurrected

87?! It's 24 here!

~Renee, waiting desperately for spring . . . we've got the mud but not the temperatures . . .

In search of spicato...

Post 22


well, 90 *is* hot (that's about 32 degrees celsius isn't it? too hot even for me), but 80 is what we'd consider comfortable around here. the lowest possible temp here is about 25 degrees celsius - about 77 f. (unless, of course, it rains...) it would be nice to experience snow for once... but if we had snow *here*, you all would have long since gone into deep-freeze - smiley - erm

In search of spicato...

Post 23

Keseral - lost...

thats HOT! why would we have all gone into deep freeze?

Kess smiley - blacksheep

In search of spicato...

Post 24

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

Well, it was 87 two days ago. Yesterday's high couldn't have been more than 60.
But there're some weird weather patterns that if it's warm somewhere else (I can't remember where) we get similar heat a few days delayed. Like a front moving or something. So it was warm in the other place a few days ago, and then it was warm here, but it's supposed to be cooler for a while.

In search of spicato...

Post 25


er, because the earth would have gone out of its current orbit, or current tilt? smiley - winkeye

In search of spicato...

Post 26

Keseral - lost...

um.... where are you?

Kessmiley - blacksheep

In search of spicato...

Post 27


GMT +8. darned near the equator. blastedly hot all year round. and you wouldn't believe how humid it is even if i were to tell you!

In search of spicato...

Post 28

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

I love when people think that if the relative humidity is 100% it means the air is all full of water, so there is no air left, and we'd have to be drowning.smiley - laugh
How dense can you get?

In search of spicato...

Post 29


me? i can get *very* dense smiley - winkeye

oh, you mean the humidity?

In search of spicato...

Post 30

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

yeah. that DHMO can be incredibly dense, blocking all the air.

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